Broker Biner Pilihan Terbaik 2015 Pilihan Biner Pialang ada untuk melayani kebutuhan Anda dan membuat prediksi pergerakan aset semudah mungkin. Namun, berlangganan agen biner pilihan yang salah dapat membuat keseluruhan pengalaman trading biner Anda tidak berhasil. Pada artikel ini, Anda tidak hanya akan menemukan daftar calo pilihan biner online terbaik, namun Anda juga akan mempelajari beberapa tip insider kunci untuk mencegah Anda membuat beberapa kesalahan pemula yang umum. Mari kita mulai dengan belajar apa yang perlu Anda hindari untuk menerapkan strategi biner pilihan yang sukses. Percaya atau tidak, pengalaman buruk dengan broker bisa sangat mahal bagi trader. Misalnya, Anda dapat memiliki masalah dalam menempatkan dan menutup perdagangan, Anda dapat bergantung pada tingkat suku bunga yang tidak akurat, dan untuk memperburuk keadaan, Anda dapat menghadapi dukungan pelanggan yang sangat buruk. Cara mudah untuk memastikan bahwa Anda hanya mendaftar ke broker opsi biner bereputasi adalah dengan mengikuti poin penting berikut ini: Baca halaman ulasan broker top kami yang direkomendasikan. Ini akan membantu Anda menemukan platform opsi biner terbaik untuk memulai karir trading biner Anda. Jangan masuk ke broker yang belum mengungkapkan informasi perusahaan yang diperlukan, karena agen pilihan biner teratas selalu sangat transparan. Selalu hindari broker yang sudah masuk daftar hitam. Anda bisa online dan menemukan daftar broker biner pilihan yang telah terbukti bersalah. Selanjutnya, Anda tidak boleh bergabung dengan broker online yang memiliki penghargaan yang belum terbukti yang disebutkan di situs web mereka. Untuk membantu Anda membuat pilihan terbaik, berikut adalah daftar Top 8 Binary Options Brokers Websites Today. Salah satu broker online terbaik yang beroperasi saat ini adalah: 24 Option telah mengembangkan platform ramah pengguna yang dapat digunakan sebagai patokan untuk setiap broker yang ingin mendapatkan status platform broker biner pilihan terbaik. Selain mudah dinavigasi, mereka memiliki grafik yang sangat membantu untuk membantu Anda dalam proses pengambilan keputusan Anda. Meskipun 24Option menawarkan beragam aset untuk dipilih, downside adalah bahwa ada kalanya perdagangan hari diblokir saat berita. Setelah mengatakan ini, mereka melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat bagus dan bahkan menawarkan opsi biner 15 menit untuk aset tertentu. Fitur terbaru mereka yang disebut 30 Seconds Trading dengan cepat menang atas pedagang, terutama yang lebih terbiasa dengan perdagangan cepat, seperti 60 Seconds Trading. Ketika datang ke layanan pelanggan, layanan sangat andal dan bermanfaat baik melalui chat room maupun di telepon. Anda juga akan dengan senang hati mengetahui bahwa tingkat pembayaran mereka sama baiknya dengan pialang pilihan biner teratas lainnya, yang menawarkan secara konsisten antara 70 sampai 89, dan sampai 310 selama akhir pekan. Terakhir, menyetorkan dan menarik diri dengan 24 Option adalah mudah dan dapat diandalkan. Baca lebih lanjut Klik di bawah untuk Bonus TOP: Di posisi kedua dari 7 lokasi biner pilihan kami adalah: Jadi, apa yang membuat broker online ini begitu populer Pertama-tama, ini memiliki waktu eksekusi yang sangat baik dan beragam masa kadaluarsa yang dicampur dengan sedikit atau tidak ada Menyebar. Penyetoran dan penarikan dana Anda cepat, mudah dan bebas dari kerumitan. Selain itu, tidak mungkin menjadi broker pilihan biner teratas kecuali Anda memiliki platform yang sangat user friendly. Untungnya untuk Banc de Binary. Mereka memiliki situs yang sangat mudah dinavigasi yang berjalan dan terasa hebat. Ketika sampai pada jenis aset yang bisa Anda investasikan dan masa kadaluwarsa Anda dapat memilihnya, maka Banc de Binary menawarkan berbagai pilihan hebat. Ada total 55 aset yang dapat Anda pilih, ini termasuk saham, mata uang, komoditas dan indeks. Keempat waktu kedaluwarsa yang berbeda dapat Anda pilih adalah 15 menit, 30 menit, 1 jam dan Akhir Hari. Alasan lain mengapa ini adalah salah satu broker pilihan biner teratas, adalah bahwa ia memiliki dukungan pelanggan yang luar biasa. Mereka memiliki berbagai metode komunikasi, diantaranya melalui telepon, live chat, Skype atau via email dan fitur callback yang telah terintegrasi ke dalam situs mereka. Tingkat pembayaran di Banc de Binary untuk sebagian besar aset adalah 75, dan untuk mata uang bervariasi dari 75 sampai 88 tergantung pada waktu kadaluarsa yang dipilih. Baca lebih lanjut Klik di bawah untuk bonus TOP: Broker berikutnya telah mendapatkan posisi ketiga dalam daftar broker dagang terbaik kami: Stockpair diluncurkan pada tahun 2010, menawarkan penawaran opsi paired pair and floating pair binary options. Mereka saat ini menyediakan empat akun trading yang berbeda: Silver, Gold, Platinum dan VIP. Bergantung pada setoran minimum Anda, Anda dapat membuka tingkat akun trading yang berbeda. Deposit minimum sekarang yang dipersyaratkan untuk bergabung dengan Stockpair adalah 250. Setelah Anda bergabung dengan platform perdagangan opsi biner mereka, aset mereka meliputi mata uang, komoditas, indeks dan saham. Yang membuat Stockpair sangat menarik adalah alat tambahan yang tersedia bagi pedagang, seperti bagian review pasar dan simulator perdagangan. Stockpair menawarkan 85 pengembalian investasi untuk opsi pasangan tetap, dan 350 besar untuk opsi floating pair. Pembayaran ini lebih tinggi dari kebanyakan broker pilihan biner. Baca lebih lanjut Klik Di bawah untuk Bonus TOP: Di posisi keempat dari tujuh broker pilihan biner terpercaya kami adalah: ETX Binary adalah platform platform pilihan biner yang inovatif dari ETX Capital, nama dagang Monecor (London) Limited. Monecor Limited adalah anggota London Stock Exchange, memberi para pedagang keamanan tambahan dan jaminan yang datang dari berurusan dengan organisasi mapan semacam itu. Pedagang yang pertama kali mengunjungi ETX Binary mungkin agak terkejut melihat bahwa opsi biner hanyalah satu segmen dari keseluruhan bisnis mereka, karena ETX Capital juga menawarkan perdagangan online dalam spread betting, CFD dan valuta asing (forex). Meskipun demikian, ETX Binary bangga dengan platform perdagangannya, yang memungkinkan para pedagang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebanyak 100 untuk perdagangan yang sukses dalam aset dasar berikut: 25 Pasangan Forex yang Berbeda 81 Saham yang berbeda 23 Indeks 10 Komoditas Selanjutnya, platform perdagangan telah dirancang secara khusus. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan investor jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, dengan masa kadaluwarsa berkisar antara 60 detik untuk opsi jangka pendek sampai hampir satu tahun untuk opsi jangka panjang. Sistem pembayaran dan keamanan mereka tidak ada duanya, yang tidak mengherankan mengingat latar belakang mereka. Selain direct bank wire, trader juga bisa menyetorkan uang melalui kartu Credit atau Debit dan Skrill. Namun, pedagang hanya bisa memproses penarikan via transfer bank wire. Baca lebih lanjut Klik Di bawah untuk Bonus TOP: Di posisi kelima dari 7 situs broker teratas kami adalah: Salah satu broker pilihan biner terpanjang yang diatur oleh EU saat ini online. Selain memiliki salah satu platform perdagangan termudah, mereka juga menawarkan alat yang tak tertandingi kepada pelanggan mereka untuk membuat trading Anda semudah mungkin, seperti opsi ForwardRot kuotrikel, yang pada dasarnya memungkinkan Anda mendorong masa kadaluwarsa yang telah Anda pilih untuk pilihan Anda. Ke waktu kedaluwarsa terdekat yang tersedia. Selanjutnya, Anyoption diketahui memiliki salah satu daftar aset paling komprehensif di industri ini, dengan lebih dari 140 aset dapat dipilih di pasar berikut: Opsi Forex, Opsi Saham, Pilihan Komoditas, Opsi Indeks dan Indeks Aset. Di atas ini, mereka berurusan dengan dana Anda dengan cara terbaik. Penyetoran dan penarikan uang dapat diandalkan, cepat dan aman. Untuk keamanan ekstra, Anyoption menahan semua simpanan nasabah di akun kepercayaan terpisah. Ketika sampai pada pembayaran, Anda akan dengan senang hati mendengar bahwa Anyoption menawarkan hasil yang dapat diandalkan dan masuk akal sekitar 70 untuk keputusan yang benar. Tapi, di mana mereka lebih baik daripada orang lain adalah kenyataan bahwa mereka akan mengembalikan deposit awal Anda jika Anda membuat keputusan yang salah. Baca lebih lanjut Klik Di bawah untuk Bonus TOP: Di posisi enam dari daftar platform biner top 7 kami adalah: TopOption. Broker pilihan binaan CYSEC, didirikan oleh sebuah tim profesional jasa keuangan berpengalaman yang bercita-cita untuk mengubah perdagangan online menjadi lapangan kerja yang mudah dan terbuka sehingga siapapun dapat menjadi bagian dari. Mereka memberi pedagang kesempatan untuk mengakses pasar di mana saja, kapan saja melalui platform berbasis web dan aplikasi seluler mereka. TopOption telah berhasil berhasil membedakan platform trading mereka dengan mengembangkan platform perdagangan Keystone in-house, yang sangat berbeda dari platform kuno yang telah diterapkan oleh kebanyakan broker biner. Dengan meningkatnya perhatian terhadap detail dan layanan yang tak tertandingi ini, hadirlah kesempatan bagi pedagang untuk menggunakan pilihan perdagangan klasik atau unik, seperti Opsi Klasik, One Touch, Pro Option, dan Perdagangan 60-detik yang populer. Sebagai trader baru, Anda mungkin akan senang mengetahui bahwa TopOption memberikan dukungan pelanggan dalam 17 bahasa dan memiliki tim pendukung yang berdedikasi saat ditelepon 245. Baca selengkapnya Klik di bawah untuk Bonus Tertinggi: Broker biner online akhir untuk membuat daftar teratas kami adalah: Ini adalah pemain baru di pasar yang telah mengembangkan platform bagi para pedagang yang semua orang cintai. Begitu banyak, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa mereka memiliki platform online terbaik di pasar. Ini tentu saja berarti mereka memiliki antarmuka ramah pengguna teratas yang dapat Anda navigasikan dengan mudah. Misalnya, untuk memberi tahu Anda informasi lebih baik tentang apa yang sedang terjadi di pasar, Anda dapat dengan mudah menambahkan aset baru ke halaman dan melihat beberapa grafik sekaligus. Area yang bisa sedikit diperbaiki adalah beragam aset yang tersedia untuk diperdagangkan. Meskipun mereka mencakup 15 aset teratas yang paling mungkin Anda jalani, akan lebih baik jika mereka menawarkan lebih banyak pilihan dan pilihan. Untuk mengatasi kekurangan ini, mereka menawarkan jendela perdagangan 10 menit dengan waktu kadaluarsa 5 menit. Selain itu, tidak seperti beberapa broker opsi pengembalian tetap, Markets World memiliki tim layanan pelanggan yang sangat membantu yang merespons dengan cepat dan efektif terhadap pertanyaan atau masalah yang mungkin Anda hadapi. Selanjutnya, Pasar Dunia mendominasi di bidang pembayaran, menawarkan 70 - 100, tertinggi di industri ini. Ini membantu meningkatkan potensi keuntungan yang dapat Anda hasilkan per transaksi. Jadi, jika Anda adalah seseorang yang ingin memaksimalkan peluang Anda untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari strategi opsi biner Anda, maka ini adalah salah satu broker yang tidak dapat Anda lewatkan. Akhirnya, menyetor dan menarik dana dengan Markets World adalah jalan-jalan di taman. Dibutuhkan sekitar 30 detik untuk deposit dana dan menempatkan penarikan seharusnya tidak memakan waktu lebih dari beberapa detik. Anda kemudian harus memiliki uang Anda di akun Anda dalam tiga hari. Baca lebih lanjut Klik Di bawah untuk Bonus TOP: Meskipun Anda dapat membuat pilihan broker biner pilihan Anda sendiri, tinjauan di atas terhadap lima broker utama akan membantu membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah. Untuk terus belajar lebih banyak tentang platform opsi biner mana yang harus Anda cari, lihatlah daftar pialang opsi biner terbaik kami dan baca ulasan komprehensif broker kami yang ada di atas dan di navigasi situs kami. PERINGATAN RISIKO UMUM: Pilihan Biner Perdagangan dalam segala bentuk membawa tingkat risiko tinggi dan dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya semua investasi Anda. Dalam keadaan apapun, kami tidak bertanggung jawab kepada orang atau badan manapun untuk (a) kehilangan atau kerusakan seluruhnya atau sebagian yang disebabkan oleh, akibat atau terkait dengan transaksi yang berkaitan dengan Binary Options atau (b) saran yang diterima dari situs web OptionsBee. Melalui bentuk apapun seperti video atau artikel atau (c) kerusakan langsung, tidak langsung, khusus, konsekuensial atau insidental apapun. TOP 7 Opsi Opsi Biner Teratur OpsiBee berusaha untuk meninjau hanya broker pilihan biner yang paling terkemuka dan mengamankan penawaran Pendaftaran Terbaik untuk semua pedagang baru. Karena itu, OptionsBee telah bermitra dengan industri terkemuka Reguler Binary Options Brokers. Kami membayar Anda kembali deposit pertama Anda yang diperlukan untuk memulai trading sehingga Anda memiliki lebih banyak uang untuk mendedikasikan diri pada perdagangan opsi biner Anda. Gunakan tabel kami di bawah ini untuk bergabung dengan salah satu dari 7 Pialang Top kami dan dapatkan Penawaran Uang Kembali Anda (Penawaran CashBack).Top 10 Broker Biner Pilihan Memulai dengan broker dan platform Ada lebih banyak pilihan perdagangan biner yang hanya memprediksi arah Nilai aset dasar selama periode waktu tertentu. Penting untuk memastikan untuk memilih pialang yang berpengalaman dan berpengalaman yang mengenal seluk beluk jenis investasi ini. Peran utamanya adalah membantu menentukan pilihan biner terbaik untuk diinvestasikan. Jadi, mari kita lihat beberapa cara untuk memilih orang yang akan bekerja untuk kepentingan terbaik Anda. Semuanya dimulai dengan sedikit perbandingan belanja. Anda perlu membandingkan ulasan berbagai broker dan platform mereka sehingga Anda tahu apa yang masing-masing tawarkan. Anda akan menemukan daftar ulasan di forum perdagangan walaupun kami melakukan semua kerja keras sehingga Anda dapat langsung memulai trading dengan salah satu broker opsi biner yang tercantum di sini di situs kami. Selalu bekerja dengan broker berlisensi meskipun Anda harus sadar bahwa undang-undang di beberapa negara tidak mewajibkan perizinan. Sangat mudah untuk memulai. Cukup pilih broker dari daftar kami. Mendaftar untuk akun broker. (Para ahli kami menganjurkan agar untuk memanfaatkan trading sangatlah penting untuk membuka rekening dengan beberapa broker yang berbeda. Ini membantu mendapatkan akses ke berbagai aset.) Setelah Anda membuka rekening Anda dapat memulai trading hanya dalam beberapa langkah. Pilihlah aset seperti saham, mata uang, komoditas atau indeks untuk diperdagangkan. Tentukan jumlah investasi pada perdagangan Pilih CallUp jika Anda memprediksi harga aset akan naik atau Put (Down) jika Anda memprediksi harga aset akan jatuh selama periode yang ditentukan Tempatkan perdagangan dan kumpulkan kemenangan Anda jika Anda memprediksi dengan benar. Cara Membandingkan Dan Memilih Broker Pilihan Biner Terbaik Pakar kami menganjurkan agar Anda jangan pernah membuat kesalahan dengan mendaftar dengan broker opsi biner sebelum menimbang pro dan kontra. Menawarkan akun demo. Sebaiknya daftar akun demo untuk mendapatkan ide bagus tentang situs web broker yang intuitif dan ramah. Anda bisa melakukan ini dengan beberapa situs dan kemudian memilih yang sesuai dengan gaya Anda. Kembali Carilah situs yang menjamin pembayaran antara 70 dan 90 saat menang dan 10 dan 15 atas kerugian. Ini standar dengan kebanyakan broker jadi jangan jadi mangsa siapa pun yang menawarkan lebih sedikit. Varietas aset. Tidak semua broker memperdagangkan berbagai aset. Karena itu, jika ingin memperluas basis investasi Anda perhatikan baik-baik daftar aset yang ditawarkan. Banyak broker handal menawarkan berbagai aset yang meliputi indeks, saham, komoditas, forex, dan lainnya. Sebaiknya pilih salah satu yang menawarkan kesempatan untuk berinvestasi di semua aset pasar yang tersedia sehingga Anda bisa memperoleh keuntungan maksimal. Semakin banyak pilihan, semakin baik kesempatan Anda untuk menempatkan perdagangan yang menang. Dukungan pelanggan Itu selalu menyenangkan untuk berurusan dengan broker yang menyediakan layanan pelanggan yang sangat baik. Perhatikan aspek ini saat membandingkan pialang. Platform perdagangan yang aman Semua transaksi Anda akan dilakukan secara online, yang memerlukan standar keamanan tertinggi. Pilih situs yang menawarkan sistem pembayaran yang aman untuk mencegah pencurian identitas. Fleksibilitas. Pilih broker yang fleksibel dalam hal penawaran aset dan variasi tanggal kadaluwarsa kontrak dari 60 detik sampai satu hari, minggu, satu bulan atau lebih. Anda mungkin ingin menjajaki kemungkinan bekerja dengan broker yang menawarkan opsi keluar lebih awal untuk fleksibilitas perdagangan yang lebih besar. Informasi didorong Jika Anda seorang pemula, Anda mungkin menginginkan platform broker dengan banyak informasi di pasar. Bonus deposit Meskipun hal ini seharusnya tidak memengaruhi keputusan Anda saat memilih broker biner yang kredibel, carilah broker yang menawarkan bonus selamat datang yang layak sekitar 25 di samping bonus isi ulang juga. Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk meningkatkan dana Anda. Opsi deposit dan withdrawal. Kebanyakan broker mendukung berbagai metode perbankan yang mencakup kartu kredit, eWallets, kartu prabayar, transfer kawat, dan banyak lagi. Pastikan memilih opsi yang sesuai sehingga Anda dapat menyimpan dana di akun opsi biner Anda dan menarik kemenangan dengan nyaman tanpa biaya tersembunyi. Alat perdagangan Apakah Anda seorang pemula atau trader berpengalaman, beberapa platform trading memiliki berbagai alat untuk membuat perdagangan lebih sederhana dan juga memungkinkan Anda membuat keputusan perdagangan dengan informasi yang benar. Ini termasuk sinyal perdagangan seperti Bollinger Bands, oscillators, dan oscillators, untuk beberapa nama. Opsi simpanan. Jika Anda baru melakukan trading, selalu bijaksana untuk memilih broker opsi biner yang memungkinkan anggota baru memulai trading dengan deposito serendah 10 dan posisi minimum serendah 1. Dukungan bahasa. Jika Anda ingin berdagang dalam bahasa selain bahasa Inggris, Anda harus memilih platform yang menawarkan dukungan multi bahasa. Pilih broker proaktif. Ada banyak broker untuk memberi Anda saran dan bantuan yang bagus untuk memaksimalkan investasi Anda. Jenis Aset Tersedia dalam Binary Options Trading Sebagian besar opsi biner menawarkan berbagai opsi perdagangan. Yang paling umum meliputi pasangan forex seperti USDEUR, USDGBP, dan GBPEUR, untuk beberapa nama. Pilihan perdagangan lainnya termasuk komoditas, saham, dan indeks di pasar internasional termasuk Amerika Serikat, Eropa, dan Asia. Semua perdagangan bisa dilakukan dari satu platform. Panjang Trades Rata-rata Periode kontrak opsi biner berkisar antara 60 detik sampai 5 menit, seminggu, bulan, atau lebih. Pilihan Anda akan tergantung pada gaya dan anggaran trading Anda. Jika Anda tidak menyukai jenis pasien, Anda mungkin malah memilih perdagangan 60 detik meskipun pakar kami mendorong jenis perdagangan ini hanya untuk pedagang yang lebih berpengalaman. Begitu Anda mengotorisasi perdagangan, jangka waktu kontrak tidak dapat diubah. Jenis Umum Pilihan Biner Opsi biner membuka pedagang ke seluruh jenis perdagangan baru. Pilihan HighLow atau PutCall binary Pada jenis trading ini Anda memprediksi apakah harga underlying asset akan naik atau turun lebih rendah dari nilai yang telah ditentukan. Pembayaran ditentukan terlebih dahulu dan memungkinkan transparansi yang lebih besar. One TouchNo Touch binary option Harga target ditetapkan pada awal perdagangan. Jika aset dasar Anda mencapai harga pada saat berakhirnya kontrak, broker akan memberi Anda keuntungan. Tidak ada Sentuhan hanyalah kebalikan dari One Touch dimana Anda memperkirakan bahwa harga aset dasar tidak akan mencapai tingkat yang ditentukan. Opsi Binary Boundary Pada jenis perdagangan ini, Anda perlu menentukan apakah harga aset dasar akan berada dalam kisaran atau berada di luar kisaran. Broker akan mengeluarkan berbagai harga pada jenis perdagangan ini sementara Anda menentukan dua tingkat harga aset. Binary Options Broker FAQ Sekarang setelah Anda mengetahui peran pialang dalam perdagangan biner, inilah saatnya untuk membahas beberapa pertanyaan umum yang dimiliki pedagang mengenai broker biner. Semua broker yang terdaftar di situs kami memiliki lisensi dan registrasi. Penting untuk menyadari otoritas pengatur berdasarkan yurisdiksi dan negara tempat Anda tinggal berada. Pialang di Amerika Serikat. Pialang di dalam negeri diatur oleh Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) dan National Futures Association (NFA). Pialang di Inggris. Pedagang di Inggris dapat memilih dari broker yang diatur oleh Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) dan Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). Mereka adalah dua otoritas pengatur yang paling terkenal di negara ini. Pialang di Australia. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) adalah badan pengatur yang mengawasi perdagangan biner dan forex di negara ini. Pialang di Kanada. Organisasi Regulasi Industri Investasi Kanada (IIROC) mengatur pasar perdagangan Kanada meskipun perdagangan online tidak termasuk dalam lingkupnya. Pialang di Eropa. Seperti broker berlisensi Inggris, Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) adalah otoritas perizinan dan peraturan di Eropa. Meskipun Anda dapat berdagang di hampir semua aset dengan opsi biner, penting untuk dipahami bahwa beberapa broker memusatkan perhatian pada aset tertentu sementara beberapa mungkin membatasi jumlah opsi seperti pasangan mata uang atau jenis perdagangan. Forex adalah yang paling sering diperdagangkan di pasar opsi biner. Ini adalah awal yang baik bagi investor baru yang ingin memahami pasar mata uang, yang paling mudah menguap dan sesuai dengan opsi biner dimana kadaluarsa hanya dalam waktu 60 detik. Pasangan mata uang yang diperdagangkan termasuk USDEUR, USDGBP, GBPEUR, dan USDJPY, untuk beberapa nama. Beberapa broker menawarkan berbagai komoditas yang meliputi minyak, emas, dan perak. Ini adalah salah satu perdagangan berisiko rendah yang paling sesuai dengan perdagangan opsi biner baru. Anda dapat menambahkan komoditas untuk diversifikasi portofolio dan risiko keseluruhan juga. Kebanyakan broker menawarkan berbagai pilihan saham yang akan Anda temukan di bursa saham biasa. Dari Apple ke Coca Cola, HP, dan Tesla, Anda akan menemukan sejumlah saham untuk diperdagangkan dengan broker opsi biner. Indeks seperti Dow Jones. SampP 500 dan Nasdaq. Adalah salah satu indeks yang paling banyak diperdagangkan di pasar opsi biner. Mereka memungkinkan diversifikasi risiko yang lebih besar dan menawarkan hasil yang masuk akal. Penting untuk memilih broker yang menawarkan beberapa pasang kombinasi mata uang karena pasar Forex paling tidak stabil. Selain itu, pilih broker yang menawarkan pilihan untuk beralih ke komoditas atau indeks saat pasangan mata uang menjadi terlalu tidak stabil. Biaya transaksi biasanya tidak lebih dari 10 sampai 15, dan dapat berupa biaya berbasis transaksi atau persentase kerugian. Dalam hal pembayaran, pastikan untuk memeriksa broker yang menawarkan pengembalian sekurang-kurangnya 65 sampai 95 dan lebih berdasarkan pada underlying asset dan risk quotient-nya. Selain itu, broker harus menawarkan potongan harga sekurang-kurangnya 10 pada kehilangan atau perdagangan di luar uang. Menjadi berpengalaman dengan pilihan biner adalah penting dan semakin banyak alat pembelajaran yang ditawarkan broker, semakin baik. Ini jauh melampaui bagaimana menukar pilihan biner. Anda akan menemukan banyak informasi tentang strategi pilihan biner, sinyal biner, Bollinger bands, grafik perdagangan, dan banyak lagi. Jangan lupa untuk memeriksa semua informasi tentang sinyal biner dan strategi yang bekerja di sini, di situs kami. Salah satu fitur pertama yang membuat broker menonjol dari yang lain adalah platform trading mereka. Platform terbaik adalah platform yang mudah dinavigasi, mudah digunakan, dan memungkinkan perdagangan mudah. Yang penting pastikan platform tersebut memiliki pusat kota yang marjinal serta waktu minimum antara menempatkan dan menerapkan perdagangan. Jika Anda suka berdagang saat bepergian maka pilihlah broker dengan platform perdagangan mobile. Broker pilihan biner - Pilihan biner perdagangan dengan broker terbaik Hanya Go Untuk opsi biner terbaik broker Binary Options Brokers adalah situs web yang menawarkan dan memfasilitasi perdagangan opsi biner. . Perusahaan-perusahaan ini juga disebut platform perdagangan opsi biner. Jika Anda ingin berinvestasi dalam opsi biner, mereka adalah tempat untuk pergi. Semua opsi biner broker yang termasuk dalam daftar ini dianggap yang terbaik dari yang terbaik ketika datang ke industri perdagangan opsi biner. Setiap satu dari mereka diberi lisensi untuk beroperasi, memberikan pilihan investasi yang paling bagus dan perlu, bersama dengan 247 layanan pelanggan. Dengan memilih salah satu dari 5 platform perdagangan yang tercantum di sini, Anda dapat yakin bahwa uang Anda aman dan terjamin dan Anda dapat memaksimalkan potensi Anda untuk menghasilkan keuntungan yang memuaskan yang berkelanjutan tidak hanya untuk Anda tapi juga untuk perusahaan dagang. Dengan itu, ini memastikan bahwa investasi Anda akan terus berlanjut untuk jangka panjang, jika Anda mencari robot otomatis yang terbaik untuk tahun 2015 adalah JMB Profit Machine dengan 90 tingkat keberhasilan dalam memenangkan perdagangan. Siap untuk mulai bekerja dengan Website Binary Options Brokers yang paling efektif Klik Disini dan mulai mendapatkan penghasilan hari ini Jangan pernah puas dengan keuntungan biasa-biasa saja saat berinvestasi pada perdagangan opsi biner. Dengan bijak pilihlah broker opsi biner yang akan Anda gunakan. Tidak ada yang mau uang hasil jerih payah mereka untuk segera menguap menjadi udara tipis, dan itulah yang akan Anda lakukan jika Anda tidak berinvestasi di platform perdagangan opsi biner yang tepat. Pergilah ke platform yang memiliki catatan bagus dalam standar operasional dan berikan keuntungan yang pantas Anda dapatkan. Pergi hanya untuk yang terbaik, cobalah salah satu situs ini sekarang dan lihat sendiri bagaimana perdagangan opsi biner yang menguntungkan bisa jadi. Apa Pilihan Biner Opsi biner adalah opsi perdagangan yang hanya perlu Anda prediksi hanya dari dua kemungkinan arah harga saham, yang bisa naik atau turun. Ada juga waktu pembukaan dan penutupan yang berbeda yang tersedia untuk dipilih sehingga menambah sudut keuntungan saat trading. Jika perkiraan Anda benar, Anda akan memperoleh sejumlah uang yang disepakati pada awal perdagangan. Jika trader salah memprediksi arah harga maka mereka akan kehilangan investasinya. Gaya perdagangan khusus ini adalah salah satu jenis perdagangan paling menguntungkan yang tersedia di pasaran. Contoh Perdagangan Pilihan Biner Misalnya, seorang investor ingin mendapatkan keuntungan dari prediksi opsi biner bahwa perusahaan Karena saham akan berada pada atau di atas 50 pada tanggal 30 Agustus pukul 11:00 am dengan jumlah hasil biner 2.000. Dia kemudian membeli 10 opsi biner dari broker opsi biner masing-masing 100 sebelum batas waktu yang diberikan. Bila harga perusahaan Karena saham berada pada atau di atas 50 (juga disebut dalam uang dalam persyaratan investasi), prediksi investor, maka dia akan mendapatkan uang hasil sebesar 2.000 dikurangi biaya opsi, yaitu 100 x 10 1.000. Artinya investor akan memiliki laba bersih 1.000. Jika harga saham ditutup di bawah 50 (juga disebut keluar dari uang dalam persyaratan investasi), maka ia kehilangan semua 1.000 investasinya. Trading Binary Options dengan robot trading di AutoPilot pada akhir tahun 2014 sebuah sistem perdagangan baru telah muncul yang melibatkan penggunaan perangkat lunak atau 8220Bot8221 untuk diperdagangkan di akun Anda. Bots perdagangan ini diintegrasikan dengan hub sinyal pilihan biner dan langsung dibeli tanpa opsi putcall keterlibatan manusia berdasarkan sinyal yang diterima dari hub. Manfaatnya sudah jelas, setiap pemula hanya bisa mengaturnya di AutoPilot dan berdasarkan kenyataan bahwa mayoritas sinyal benar (jika tidak, perusahaan sinyal tidak memiliki keberadaan) robot perdagangan menghasilkan rata-rata lebih banyak dari yang Anda akan lakukan pada milikmu. Salah satu robot terbaik yang kami cek adalah Robot Biner Pro yang dianggap robot trading biner paling akurat untuk saat ini. Sistem yang ditulis oleh profesor biner George, memiliki kemampuan unik untuk mengidentifikasi sinyal awal dan bertindak pada mereka. Meskipun butuh beberapa waktu untuk belajar bagaimana menggunakan robot pro, setelah periode kurva belajar singkat, hasilnya sepadan. Proses Sederhana dan Jelas didefinisikan Sifat perdagangan yang sederhana dan kejelasan risiko dan kemungkinan telah menarik banyak investor berbeda untuk berdagang dengan pilihan biner. Dalam jenis trading ini, Anda tidak perlu membeli atau menjual opsi saham. Anda hanya perlu menebak apakah harga saham akan naik lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah pada periode waktu tertentu yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Dan jika dugaan Anda benar, Anda mendapatkan sejumlah uang tertentu yang juga ditentukan sebelumnya. Ini berarti bahwa sebagai investor, Anda sudah mengetahui risiko dan kerugiannya lebih dulu, yang membuatnya cukup menarik. Yang Harus Diperhatikan di Broker Ada banyak platform perdagangan opsi biner yang ada saat ini. Jika Anda melakukan pencarian cepat di Internet, kemungkinan Anda bisa menemukan ratusan situs web berbeda dalam satu pencarian. Namun, Anda harus sangat berhati-hati dalam memilih platform trading untuk menginvestasikan uang Anda masuk Hal ini karena perdagangan opsi biner adalah pasar bergerak yang sangat cepat dan kurangnya pengetahuan dan bantuan dapat merusak potensi pendapatan. Dalam hal ini, Anda harus memastikan bahwa broker yang Anda putuskan untuk bekerja dengan andal dan efisien dan memiliki pengetahuan luas dalam beroperasi di pasar ini. Tanda-tanda Pialang Biner yang Sah Untungnya, Anda dapat dengan mudah memberi tahu broker biner pilihan yang benar dan dapat dipercaya hanya dengan mencari beberapa tanda tertentu. Tanda nomor satu platform perdagangan yang andal adalah jika lisensi itu benar. Anda dapat menemukan ini dengan menghubungi situs web itu sendiri dan menanyakannya atau dengan memeriksa beberapa situs web peninjauan pihak ketiga yang menilai platform perdagangan opsi biner yang berbeda. Situs-situs yang meninjau ini memeriksa dan menilai banyak situs perdagangan biner, menyajikan bonus, deposito, persentase pembayaran khusus, dan tentu saja penilaian terakhir mereka terhadap setiap platform. Beberapa bahkan menunjukkan umpan balik pelanggan mentah yang sangat membantu orang-orang yang menentukan situs web perdagangan mana yang akan dipilih. Tanda lain dari broker legit adalah jika mereka tidak membatasi jumlah yang dapat Anda investasikan atau jumlah opsi biner yang dapat Anda beli. Situs perdagangan asli memberi pelanggan mereka kebebasan untuk memilih opsi investasi apa pun yang mereka inginkan, asalkan berada dalam peraturan pasar. Tanda ketiga dari situs perdagangan opsi biner legal adalah jika memiliki sistem pendukung pelanggan 247. Platform perdagangan opsi biner terbaik dan paling otentik menawarkan layanan pelanggan terbaik juga. Mereka memastikan kepuasan total dari investor mereka dan dengan mudah menangani pertanyaan atau keluhan pelanggan. Kata akhir dan rekomendasi Cara terbaik untuk berdagang dan menghasilkan keuntungan jika Anda seorang pemula adalah dengan menggunakan robot percobaan percontohan otomatis seperti Millionaire Bluprint yang diterbitkan pada bulan Juli 2015 atau Robot Biner Pro oleh profesor George S. yang dianggap sebagai perdagangan paling maju. Robot di pasaran Alat ini akan memberi isyarat kepada Anda posisi mana yang akan dibeli dan menghasilkan keuntungan dalam 90 kali. Mencoba untuk membuatnya sendiri di tahun pertama sebagian besar akan mengakibatkan kerugian, lebih baik untuk melihat bagaimana perdagangan robot, misalnya Cash Camp sangat mudah dipelajari darinya dan kemudian ketika merasa percaya diri mencoba melakukan perdagangan Anda sendiri. Yang selalu diingat, trading option biner adalah Risky dan mungkin melibatkan kerugian seperti investasi pasar saham lainnya. Pastikan Anda menginvestasikan hanya apa yang dapat Anda luangkan untuk mengambil risiko. Kami ingin Anda Keuntungan Tinggi Pilihan Biner Biner Pilihan Biner 7 Pilihan Biner Saat ini, ada lebih dari 400 platform perdagangan atau pialang. Ini tidak terjadi pada tahun 2008 ketika perdagangan opsi biner dimulai karena ada sekitar 10 platform perdagangan. Munculnya banyak pialang sudah bagus karena telah menciptakan persaingan yang tinggi, yang bermanfaat bagi investor dalam hal bonus lebih dan imbal hasil yang tinggi. Biner Pilihan Broker Perbandingan Ketika Anda mulai perdagangan dalam pilihan biner. Salah satu keputusan terpenting adalah memilih broker yang tepat. Ini adalah tugas yang kami buat mudah bagi Anda karena kami telah mencari dan menguji pialang yang paling andal dan terbaik dan memasukkannya ke dalam perbandingan broker opsi biner kami. Jelajahi situs web kami dengan penuh percaya diri, kami menyediakan informasi yang paling andal, akurat dan mutakhir mengenai broker dari seluruh dunia. Mulailah dengan 3 langkah mudah: Pilih broker dari daftar di bawah ini Best Binary Options Brokers and Trading Platform: Daftarkan akun broker Saya secara pribadi menggunakan enam broker berbeda untuk trading dan merekomendasikan semua trader serius untuk membuka beberapa akun ke broker yang berbeda untuk Memiliki beragam aset yang baik. Mulai trading dengan empat langkah mudah: Broker Biner Pilihan Terbaik 2016 Saat ini, tidak ada regulator yang bisa mengawasi dan mengatur semua opsi biner dan aktivitas Forex di seluruh dunia. Selama bertahun-tahun, telah terjadi peningkatan yang luar biasa dalam perdagangan ini. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh peningkatan aksesibilitas dan kemajuan teknologi di seluruh dunia. Akibatnya, berbagai badan pengatur dibentuk untuk mengatur opsi biner dan aktivitas Forex. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, badan-badan tersebut beroperasi di wilayah geografis tertentu dan tugas utamanya adalah memantau berbagai opsi biner dan pialang biner di wilayah tersebut dalam upaya melindungi pedagang dan memantau praktik terbaik oleh pialang tersebut. Banyak pilihan biner dan pialang Forex memiliki platform perdagangan yang menarik selain sejumlah atraksi hebat bagi para pedagang mereka. Dengan pemikiran ini, banyak pedagang bertanya-tanya apakah tidak apa-apa hanya berinvestasi pada opsi biner atau broker Forex. Yang benar adalah bahwa tidak semua broker di pasar saat ini memiliki reputasi baik. Di A. S.A, misalnya, ada peraturan ketat yang telah dikenakan agar pialang di wilayah tersebut berada dalam posisi untuk menerima pedagang berbasis di AS. Ini adalah peraturan yang membuat beberapa calo tidak menerima pedagang dari wilayah geografis tertentu. Daripada melewati semua masalah untuk memastikan pialang terbaik di pasar, kami telah meneliti pasar secara komprehensif dan dengan senang hati memberikan pilihan biner terbaik dan pialang Forex tahun ini. Semua opsi biner dan pialang Forex yang kami rekomendasikan di halaman ini telah diuji dan disetujui untuk menjadi asli dan memenuhi janji mereka. Kami juga telah melangkah lebih jauh untuk mengelompokkan broker yang direkomendasikan sesuai dengan wilayah yang mereka operasikan di broker pilihan biner indian terbaik. Dengan demikian, Anda hanya perlu mencari broker pilihan Anda dari daftar berikut, berdasarkan lokasi geografis Anda, setelah itu Anda hanya perlu mendaftar dan segera memulai trading. Broker yang Direkomendasikan di AS Saat ini, ada dua badan pengatur utama untuk semua opsi biner dan pialang Forex di Amerika Serikat. Kedua badan tersebut adalah Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) dan National Futures Association (NFA). Menurut peraturan saat ini, tidak sah bagi broker untuk menerima pedagang yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat. Namun, jika ada perselisihan antara pedagang dan broker, broker, opsi biner atau Forex, akan bertanggung jawab untuk penuntutan. Pada masa lalu, mayoritas penuntutan semacam itu telah menyebabkan denda dan denda yang besar di pihak pialang. Sebagai hasil dari ini, ada dua kategori pilihan biner dan pialang Forex yang berbeda yang menerima pedagang berbasis di AS. Kategori ini adalah pialang yang diatur oleh salah satu dari dua badan pengatur di A. S.A dan pialang lepas pantai, yang tidak diatur oleh salah satu dari kedua badan tersebut. Sebagian besar dari kita pilihan biner broker yang menerima pedagang berbasis di AS memiliki platform trading yang tidak sempurna. Namun, Anda masih perlu melakukan riset sendiri pada broker yang diberikan, sebelum melakukan trading dengan mereka. Namun, kami telah mempermudah proses ini bagi Anda yang telah kami teliti, mencoba dan memverifikasi calo dalam daftar yang kami rekomendasikan agar efektif dan asli. Pialang Terbaik Menerima Status Pelanggan AS Pilihan Biner Perdagangan di Rusia Di Rusia, perdagangan opsi biner dipandang sebagai sarana investasi yang serius. Namun, sampai saat ini, tidak ada peraturan biner resmi di Rusia. Banyak penduduk kaya Rusia memilih untuk melakukan investasi di luar negeri dan mereka tidak terkecuali ketika datang ke perdagangan opsi biner. Masalah yang muncul dalam situasi ini adalah bahwa investasi luar negeri tidak terjangkau peraturan pemerintah Rusia dan undang-undang perpajakan. Peningkatan ekspor modal baru-baru ini dari Rusia adalah indikator yang jelas bahwa mayoritas dari mereka yang memperdagangkan opsi biner lebih suka mengimbangi investasi mereka ke broker opsi biner lepas pantai daripada berurusan dengan beberapa perusahaan yang memperdagangkan opsi biner di Rusia. Sebagian besar broker opsi biner yang berasal dari Rusia memperhatikan tren ini terhadap investasi luar negeri dan sekarang mencari untuk didaftarkan atau dipindahkan ke tempat lain. Siprus selalu menjadi lokasi yang disukai karena mereka ramah pajak rendah dan ramah investasi yang hadir di negara ini. Contoh kasus: Dragon Options, broker opsi biner Rusia, dilisensikan melalui CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) saat ini diperkirakan memiliki sekitar 31 miliar dana Rusia di rekening bank di Siprus. Oleh karena itu, Anda pasti bisa memastikan bahwa banyak dana ini termasuk investasi dalam opsi biner. Ada juga beberapa keterbatasan pada jumlah uang yang klien asing yang ingin berinvestasi dalam opsi biner di Rusia dapat mengirimkan deposito mata uang asing. Saat ini, transfer bank dari beberapa bank asing dan atau negara-negara dianggap ilegal baik berdasarkan hukum Rusia, atau dengan perintah sanksi ekonomi. Juga ada keterbatasan mengenai jumlah uang yang klien asing yang ingin berdagang dengan opsi biner dapat mengirim melalui mata uang asing. Saat ini, transfer dari bank-bank tertentu dianggap ilegal dari negara-negara asing tertentu dan lembaga perbankan berdasarkan hukum Rusia. Dan sanksi ekonomi. Status opsi biner saat ini di Rusia adalah sebagai berikut: 2. Pilihan biner broker di Rusia tidak diatur. 3. Pialang yang diatur oleh CySEC nampaknya merupakan metode perdagangan pilihan bagi mereka yang saat ini memperdagangkan opsi biner di Rusia. 4. Setiap opsi biner yang terjadi di perusahaan yang berbasis di Rusia dikenai pajak. 5. Sanksi saat ini merupakan ancaman terhadap opsi biner perdagangan dan investasi warga negara Rusia. Implikasi untuk Pilihan Biner Pedagang di Rusia Alasan utama untuk memperhatikan mereka yang memperdagangkan opsi biner di Rusia adalah efek bahwa sanksi terhadap investasi mereka. Sejumlah besar sanksi telah diberikan pada bisnis Rusia dan ini berpengaruh pada bisnis ketika berhadapan dengan transaksi keuangan dengan bank-bank Barat. Selain itu juga membatasi akses ke pasar luar negeri. Sebagai contoh, sekarang akan sangat menantang bagi warga negara Rusia untuk berpartisipasi dalam perdagangan opsi biner dengan perusahaan-perusahaan berbasis Amerika yang menyediakan layanan untuk klien luar negeri termasuk Cantor Exchange. Ini akan sama sulitnya bagi warga Rusia untuk berdagang dengan platform perdagangan opsi biner inti Uni Eropa. Pialang yang berada di Siprus beruntung terisolasi dari situasi ini, namun tidak ada jaminan bahwa ini akan terjadi di masa depan. Sebagai bagian dari bailout untuk menebus pemerintah di Siprus dari kebangkrutan pada 2013, Laiki Bank. Yang merupakan lembaga keuangan terbesar kedua di Siprus, ditutup. Mereka yang memiliki rekening yang mengandung lebih dari 100.000 Euro ditutup dan dana mereka diambil alih oleh pemerintah di Siprus. Setiap hutang yang beredar dipindahkan ke Bank of Cyprus, yang kemudian mengeksploitasi sebagian besar dari akun tersebut di atas serta akun yang mencakup lebih dari 1 juta Euro. Sebagian besar akun tersebut dimiliki oleh investor Rusia. 1. Rekening tersebut ditangguhkan dengan broker opsi biner berbasis lokal sehingga menundukkan pemegangnya ke dragnet pajak. 2. Mempertahankan status quo dengan akun trading dengan broker luar negeri, yang mengandung risiko lebih banyak sanksi. Akibat sanksi yang melumpuhkan ini, dan turunnya harga minyak. Pemerintah Rusia berada dalam bahaya besar dari sebuah krisis besar. Pada titik tertentu, akan ada kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan pajak atau setidaknya memperluasnya sebanyak mungkin dengan akan menjadi fokus utama pada investasi perdagangan opsi biner. Dengan demikian, opsi biner investor di Rusia juga dihadapkan pada situasi bahwa mata uang mereka mengalami depresiasi cepat karena terkena dampak sanksi secara langsung. Dalam situasi seperti ini, ada kecenderungan untuk buru-buru mengalihkan mata uang lokal ke mata uang asing yang lebih stabil seperti dolar AS. Dengan demikian, pemerintah akan merespons dengan menetapkan batasan yang ketat mengenai berapa banyak mata uang asing yang dapat dibeli atau dibeli oleh penduduk Rusia di rekening bank mereka. Ini memang situasi yang mengerikan dan lengket bagi semua pihak yang terlibat. Masa Depan Pilihan Biner Peraturan di Rusia Menuju masa depan, pedagang opsi biner harus membuat banyak keputusan sulit. Penurunan Rubel berarti bahwa pedagang Rusia sekarang harus membayar tarif yang lebih tinggi untuk membuat akun dengan broker lepas pantai. Perdagangan ini juga harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati karena pemilihan broker sekarang menjadi penyebab pertimbangan terperinci. Sudah ada kegilaan yang meningkat untuk Euro dan AS di Rusia pada bulan November 2014 karena banyak warga Rusia terburu-buru untuk mendapatkan dana. Ini mungkin bermanfaat bagi orang-orang di Rusia yang ingin memperdagangkan opsi biner untuk mempertimbangkan pialang di wilayah tersebut tanpa stamina AS atau UE karena sanksi tersebut. Jika mereka melakukannya, ada kemungkinan yang jauh lebih baik bahwa investasi mereka akan jauh lebih aman. Tips Membandingkan dan Memilih Pilihan Biner Broker Perdagangan Dunia perdagangan menawarkan banyak peluang menarik dan bisa dinikmati dengan bimbingan broker opsi biner. Memilih broker yang bekerja paling baik untuk kebutuhan trading Anda bisa menjadi pengalaman yang menakutkan dan menakutkan namun perlu diketahui. Pialang dapat membantu mereka tampil lebih baik saat melakukan trading dan menginstruksikan mereka untuk mendapatkan laba atas investasi terbaik mereka. Ada beberapa pilihan broker biner di luar sana yang sangat ingin membantu Anda sebagai klien. Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa memilih broker opsi biner bisa menjadi proses yang terperinci dan penting untuk menemukan seseorang yang mampu melakukan semua tugas perdagangan yang diperlukan. Berikut adalah beberapa tip bermanfaat untuk mempermudah proses dan membantu menemukan broker terbaik untuk kebutuhan trading anda. 2. Payout Binary options trading menghasilkan beragam pembayaran. Beberapa broker menyajikan opsi variabel yang memungkinkan mereka untuk keluar dari opsi sebelum tanggal kedaluwarsa. Terkadang broker (misalnya 24Option) mengizinkan pembayaran sebanyak sembilan puluh satu persen per perdagangan. Tujuan kebanyakan orang dalam trading adalah menghasilkan uang dan dengan broker biner yang hebat, mereka bisa sukses. Selain itu, carilah keuntungan berikut: 8211 Berbagai Pilihan Pembayaran 8211 Bonus Tinggi 8211 Dukungan Pelanggan yang Luar Biasa 3. Pilihan Deposito dan Penarikan 8211 platform perdagangan memiliki cara penyetoran dan penarikan uang yang berbeda. Cek yang sesuai untuk anda. 5. Minimum deposit 8211 platform trading memerlukan jumlah deposit minimum yang berbeda bagi Anda untuk memulai trading. Carilah yang sesuai untuk Anda. 7. Demo akun berbagai platform trading diperuntukkan bagi pedagang biner pilihannya, terlebih dahulu investor pertama kali memberi mereka demo account. Ini membantu menciptakan pengalaman dalam trading sebelum trading aktual. 9. Simple User Interface Ini adalah program perdagangan yang andal dan terstruktur secara profesional yang menawarkan antarmuka pengguna yang sederhana. Ini membantu menghemat waktu dan usaha pengguna. Sebagian besar program berbasis web dan harus dan diakui sebagai program sederhana dengan kontrol interaktif. 10. Multiple Asset Investing Salah satu manfaat utama perangkat lunak profesional adalah tidak membatasi investasi. Pilihan broker biner yang andal harus memberi sarana bagi investor untuk melakukan beberapa investasi dalam berbagai aset seperti forex. Komoditas dan saham. Hal ini meningkatkan margin keuntungan bagi investor. 11. Tanggal kadaluarsa Info Broker yang dapat diandalkan menawarkan tanggal kedaluwarsa pada frekuensi mingguan, sambil menawarkan beberapa pilihan harian atau per jam juga. Kontrol perdagangan maksimum diperoleh hanya jika ada rincian kadaluwarsa maksimum. 12. Pembayaran Maksimum Persentase Pialang yang dapat diandalkan menawarkan persentase pembayaran maksimum kepada klien mereka. Cari platform opsi perdagangan yang ada antara 75 hingga 91 persen pembayaran dan bahkan perdagangan yang tidak berhasil akan menghasilkan sekitar 5 sampai 10 persen pengembalian ke investor. 13. Beberapa Bahasa Pilihan perdagangan global membuatnya sangat bermanfaat untuk memiliki banyak bahasa dan oleh karena itu, platform dipresentasikan untuk mendukung spektrum bahasa. Meskipun platform perdagangan memiliki banyak kesamaan, cara trading mereka mungkin berbeda dalam hal bonus, deposit awal, pembayaran maksimum, cara penyetoran dan penarikan uang, waktu trading dan layanan pelanggan mereka. Anda mungkin juga menemukan platform perdagangan, yang memberi kembali kepada pedagang persentase tertentu dari investasi mereka jika mereka tidak mendapatkan keuntungan. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengetahui informasi tentang platform perdagangan sebelum memutuskan penggunaannya. Menggunakan robot pilihan biner seringkali juga menguntungkan. Dasar-dasar Perdagangan Opsi Biner Apa Jenis Aset yang Tersedia Perdagangan biner menawarkan beragam pilihan perdagangan termasuk komoditas, pasangan mata uang. Indeks dan saham. Dengan semua opsi ini, Anda tidak terbatas pada satu jenis aset trading saja, membuka Anda ke dunia perdagangan yang menarik. Anda sekarang memiliki kemampuan untuk menukar saham Apple. Mata uang asing, emas atau perak dari platform perdagangan yang sama. Anda memiliki pilihan untuk melakukan perdagangan internasional tanpa harus bolak-balik antara berbagai broker. Hal yang baik adalah bahwa banyak dari broker papan atas ini mengizinkan para pedagang untuk memanfaatkan platform perdagangan mereka tanpa masalah dan menawarkan beragam indeks dan saham dari Asia dan Eropa. Semua perdagangan Anda pada dasarnya dapat dilakukan di situs yang sama tanpa harus beralih di antara beberapa layar dan sistem. Broker opsi biner pada dasarnya adalah situs satu atap untuk semua kebutuhan perdagangan Anda. Berapa Lama Perdagangan Rata-rata Saat memperdagangkan opsi biner, Anda harus ingat bahwa setiap perdagangan memiliki kerangka waktu yang ketat yang harus Anda patuhi. Panjangnya bervariasi dari 60 detik atau lebih. Anda bisa memilih kerangka waktu yang paling sesuai dengan gaya hidup Anda. Jika Anda tidak memiliki penggemar menunggu perdagangan produktif, Anda dapat memilih perdagangan 5 menit atau bahkan 60 detik. Jika Anda memiliki lebih banyak kesabaran, ada 60 menit perdagangan atau pilihan perdagangan yang lebih lama tersedia juga. Salah satu hal penting yang harus diingat mengenai masa kadaluwarsa adalah bahwa barang dapat diubah hanya sampai Anda membuat komitmen terhadap perdagangan tertentu. Setelah Anda memberi kuasa pada perdagangan tertentu, Anda cukup duduk dan menunggu sampai selesai. Ini berbeda dengan jenis perdagangan keuangan lainnya dimana Anda dapat menjual akumulasi saham Anda kapan saja. Ada broker yang akan membiarkan Anda menjual perdagangan Anda dengan pengembalian minimal. Namun ini adalah situasi langka bagi mereka yang lebih berpengalaman dalam trading binary options. Jenis Opsi Biner yang Paling Umum Dalam opsi biner, ada tiga jenis perdagangan utama. 1. Yang pertama disebut opsi callput. Dalam jenis perdagangan ini, Anda hanya perlu meramalkan apakah harga aset tertentu akan naik atau turun pada saat kadaluwarsa. 2.8220Sebuah perdagangan sentuhan adalah saat Anda mengeluarkan harga target sejak dimulainya perdagangan. Jika aset yang Anda pilih mencapai harga yang ditetapkan selama masa kadaluwarsa, Anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan. Harga set ini ditentukan oleh broker khusus Anda dengan baik sebelum Anda menjalankan perdagangan sehingga Anda memiliki waktu untuk melakukan penelitian dan mempersiapkan terlebih dahulu. 3. Akhir dari tiga perdagangan umum ini disebut perdagangan batas 8220. Pialang akan mengeluarkan berbagai harga dan Anda harus menentukan apakah harga aset akan tetap berada di kisaran atau di luar jangkauan yang ditargetkan. Masing-masing perdagangan ini menawarkan beberapa variasi dan beberapa varietas yang lebih eksotis masing-masing sering memiliki pembayaran yang cukup setinggi 300 (tergantung pada broker pribadi Anda). Contoh dari ini adalah satu sentuhan perdagangan yang memiliki tingkat target yang tidak biasa. Untuk mencapai jenis pembayaran ini, Anda perlu memilih opsi yang paling sulit dijangkau, dengan kata lain, Anda perlu memperkirakan bahwa ya, dan harga yang jauh sebenarnya akan menjadi hasil akhir dari perdagangan. Perdagangan ini menghasilkan tingkat pengembalian yang lebih tinggi karena mereka seringkali lebih sulit mencapai hasil yang benar. Opsi Biner yang Harus Saya Pilih Terserah Anda untuk akhirnya menentukan jenis aset yang terbaik untuk Anda. Anda harus terlebih dahulu mengevaluasi tingkat pengalaman Anda. Apakah Anda memiliki pengalaman dengan pasar Forex dan mencari cara baru dan lebih menguntungkan untuk diperdagangkan Jika ini berlaku bagi Anda, Anda akan dengan mudah dapat menerapkan strategi Anda ke pasar opsi biner. Atau apakah keahlian Anda berasal dari perdagangan hari Apakah Anda ingin melepaskan diri dari beberapa risiko yang terlibat dalam perdagangan hari Kemudian opsi biner tentu bisa menguntungkan Anda karena Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk berfokus pada aset yang paling Anda kenal. Namun, faktor yang pada akhirnya harus mendorong Anda memilih perdagangan adalah tujuan perdagangan pribadi Anda. Anda harus terlebih dahulu menentukan tujuan spesifik Anda dan kemudian menyusun rencana untuk tujuan ini. Katakanlah Anda ingin menghasilkan sekitar seribu dolar seminggu, maka Anda perlu memutuskan opsi mana yang pada dasarnya akan membantu Anda mencapai tujuan ini dan juga kerangka waktu mana yang akan membantu mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan ini. Jawaban atas pertanyaan ini bervariasi untuk masing-masing trader. Namun, Anda harus selalu mencari kualitas perdagangan. Bukan kuantitas. Enam transaksi harian yang sukses akan menghasilkan rutinitas yang lebih tinggi daripada lima kekalahan dan tujuh kemenangan. Luangkan waktu untuk mempertimbangkan pilihan Anda dan kemungkinan hasil sebelum menempatkan perdagangan Anda berakhir dengan hasil yang lebih menguntungkan. Broker Ulasan Kami telah menyertakan ulasan singkat dari broker terbaik di pasar saat ini. Ulasan lengkap dapat ditemukan di halaman ulasan mereka sendiri yang dapat Anda akses dari daftar pialang penuh di bagian atas halaman ini. IQoption Broker Review IQoption adalah broker pilihan biner yang unik dalam banyak aspek. Akun mereka sedikit berbeda dari broker lain, mereka memiliki platform perdagangan yang disesuaikan dan semua fitur mereka tersedia satu kali membuat deposit minimum awal mereka. Namun, kami memandang fitur ini sebagai hal yang positif, karena perdagangan dengan IQoption adalah pengalaman yang agak inovatif karena para pedagang dilengkapi dengan pengalaman perdagangan yang maju dan layanan pelanggan yang superior. Setelah review IQoption kami yang terperinci, dapat kami katakan bahwa kami sangat senang dengan layanan mereka dan kami sangat merekomendasikan broker ini kepada pembaca kami. Fitur Terbaik Akun Demo Gratis Minimal Deposit hanya 10 Cysec, Regafi, CNMV, FCA, Consob diatur IQoption Fitur khusus Kami telah menyebutkan di awal tinjauan IQoption kami bahwa mereka menawarkan beberapa fitur yang sangat unik. Sebenarnya, mereka adalah broker pertama yang benar-benar menawarkan akun demo mereka secara gratis. Selain itu, mereka meningkatkan keuntungan maksimum mereka menjadi 85 dan menurunkan deposit trading minimum yang diperlukan menjadi hanya 10. Sebagai tambahan, mereka menawarkan banyak fitur inovatif lainnya yang dapat dibuka oleh trader dengan jumlah dana rendah yang bervariasi. IQoption sangat ideal bagi mereka yang baru mengenal dunia pilihan biner dengan deposit dan demo demo rendah mereka. Bahkan mereka yang waspada terhadap risiko bisa merasa nyaman memanfaatkan layanan broker ini. IQoption menawarkan tiga pilihan akun yang berbeda. Seperti biasa, semua ini memerlukan deposit minimum untuk membuka kembali keuntungan tambahan. Namun, IQoption menawarkan ini pada tingkat yang rendah sehingga rata-rata pedagang bisa mencapai status VIP setelah hanya memiliki deposit 3.000. Selama review IQoption kami, kami menentukan bahwa platform ini sangat user-friendly. Tujuan utama mereka nampaknya menjadi edukasi pelanggan dalam upaya membuat para pedagang meraih kemenangan. Hal ini dapat dengan mudah diulangi dengan Free Demo Account yang ditawarkan oleh IQoption yang merupakan demo dari starter, akun dasar mereka. Kami memilih untuk memulai review IQoption kami dari tingkat akun ini karena tidak memerlukan setoran awal dan proses pendaftaran sangat mudah. Biasanya, akun demo hanyalah fitur startup yang ditawarkan hanya pada akun yang memerlukan deposit berbayar, namun dengan broker ini, ini adalah fitur berdiri bebas yang berisi hal berikut: Tidak ada risiko Kemampuan untuk mencoba platform perdagangan 100 dalam dana perdagangan virtual Jika ingin cepat dan mudah membuat akun, Anda bisa mendaftar melalui Google atau Facebook. Selama review broker IQoption kami, kami segera menerima email aktivasi kami, namun tautan aktivasi tidak valid. Jika Anda mengalami masalah yang sama, Anda dapat menggunakan log in secara manual menggunakan kata kunci yang diberikan di email. Akun Realitas IQ mulai sudah dengan 10 deposit. Akses ke semua aset Akses ke kompetisi perdagangan Akun VIP IQfltion Dapat diakses setelah 3.000 deposit Akses ke manajer akun pribadi Akses ke pertemuan bulanan dengan analis keuangan untuk mendiskusikan strategi perdagangan Proses penarikan cepat Dengan IQCtion, membangun karir di perdagangan opsi biner menjadi Banyak lebih murah dan lebih nyaman Setelah membaca review IQoption kami, kami yakin bahwa banyak pembaca kami akan mulai merasa mudah memperdagangkan pilihan biner karena layanan ini menyediakan cara mudah untuk memulai. Selain berbagai layanan yang ditawarkan di akun mereka, pedagang memiliki akses ke sistem pendidikan yang berbasis web dan interaktif. Plus adalah bahwa ini tersedia dalam berbagai bahasa termasuk bahasa Prancis, Polandia, Turki, Jerman, Inggris dan Jepang. Sebenarnya, mereka menawarkan 13 bahasa yang berbeda sama sekali. IQoption telah menerima penghargaan atas usaha mereka yang luar biasa dan inovatif termasuk Most Innovative Binary Options Broker pada konferensi ShowFX yang diadakan di Moskow. Min. Investasi: 1 Min. Deposit: 10 Max Pengembalian: 85 Max. Investment: 5000 Video: How to Trade on IQ Option IQoption Trading software As this platform is updated regularly in order to provide the ultimate trading experience for their clients, the overall trading experience is outstanding with the IQoption software system . The current version of the IQoption software is the 4.0 version. As our regular readers are aware, we place great importance on whole-page trading systems, so they can sense our excitement that we were able to utilize this during for our review of IQoption. However, we feel that its wrong to call the IQoption system the whole page, as it is actually just one of the many features offered by the system. Upon login, users are taken directly to the trading platform on which a multitude of additional useful tools and likes are available on the left-hand side of the menu. On the right-hand side of the menu, there is the navigational panel on which the users can get insight from traders. The center of the page contains the enormous graphing tool that displays the most up-to-date trading stats. Users have the ability to select between 2 binary options types on the left side of the page. The number of open positions for each is displayed in a small bubble. The graph and move controls work independently of one another so it may take users some time and effort to get used to maneuvering the graph controls. The deposit and withdrawal panels are also contained on the interface. As they are outstanding, thus eliminating the need to constantly communicate with customer support . Along the bottom of the system interface is a list of real-time trades that are being acted upon by other registered clients. This tool can help the trader to determine which direction the market is headed without aggregating the sentiment as is the case with the SpotOption Platform . There is a mobile version of the IQoption software available for those users who like to trade while out and about. The IQoption mobile app is a free download app on both IOS and Android operating systems. The only drawback of this feature is, it only offers turbo and highlow options for trading. Also they do not offer any special options with significantly high returns. We feel that the IQoption trading system is most compatible for those who are new to trading as well as those who trade at a somewhat intermediate level. Note: Those users who reside in Canada currently cannot access the IQoption web-based platform however they do have the ability to use the mobile app. Assets that are available are numerous and include a great variety of stocks, indices, assets and currencies. This is more than enough variety for those traders who wish to develop a more diversified portfolio that will allow them to contend even more divergent market levity . Basic Information Expiry Times: 60 sec 2min 5min 15 min 1 hr End of Day Trade Options: 60seconds High Low Indices Commodities Currencies Stocks IQoption Support information The support system may be a little unfamiliar from what traders might have experienced with other binary options trading brokers. Those users with VIP accounts are given a personal account manager who will assist with any issues that may arise. Those with Demo accounts need to upgrade to the Real Account offered by IQoption in order to be able to contact customer support. However, the system does provide a phone support option. Users are able to contact the staff via live chat, Skype and email. The FAQ section is extremely detailed and can answer a great many questions that one may have about IQoption policies and services. Live chat is available in the trading room as is offered in the following languages: English Russian Turkish German Spanish Portuguese Chinese Swedish Norwegian Korean French Arabic Indonesian Slovak Italian Screenshot IQoption Banking and Company Information We cannot stress enough how easy it is to bank with IQoption. Every single process including withdrawals, deposits and payment choices are easily accessible via the same control interface that is available immediately after logging into your account. There are lists detailing which amounts are available for deposit for which account type and, as previously mentioned in our IQoption review. The withdrawal process is very similar to this and only takes a few clicks to complete. Users select the withdraw service and amount and then submit their request. Those with the Real IQoption account should see their withdrawal amount in 3 business days max, while VIP users will have their funds within 24 hours. For withdrawal, users can use credit card. WebMOney, Qiwi, Yandex or wire to receive their funds. The credit cards accept for both deposits and withdrawals are Maestro and Visa. For net wallets, these include: CashU, Skrill. POLi and WebMoney. While deposits are generally free, there may be a 5 free for credit cards and as high as 50 for bank wire for withdrawal. The minimum withdrawal however is only 10. Users are able tack their trading, transaction and operating history in their control panel. IQ Option Europe Ltd, the company behind the brokerage, was extremely helpful and polite during our review of IQoption. In addition to being regulated under CySEC, this broker is also associated with FMRRC, Consob. FCA and Regafi. 7 Binary Options Rating: Banc De Binary Review UPDATE (12.01.2017): We have found out that Banc de Binary is closed. We recommend choosing one of our top binary option brokers instead: Try also Binary Option Robot if you are looking for automated binary trading. Old Review: As it was founded in 2008, Banc de Binary is one of the oldest binary options brokers in existence. It is controlled by Banc De Binary Ltd and is regulated by the Exchange Commission and Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission since July 1, 2013 under license license number 18813. Their physical address is 4, Profiti Ilia Street Kanika International Business Centre Office 401 Germasogeia CY-4046 Limassol, Cyprus. Under 596375, they are also registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and are governed by other such regulatory bodies from various countries. We must inform our readers to avoid any confusion that there are two different websites for Banc de Binary. Bancdebinary is under the authority of Ash Ltd and its affiliate, under domain 204033843. Address: Sofia 1463, Sofia District, Bulgaria. Their trading address of Ash Ltd: UL. Stoney Ground, P. O. Box 1823, VC - 100 Kingstown, St. Vincent, Grenadyny. If you are outside of the European Union. Ash Ltd. operates this website. Their services are not available for USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand residents. However, Eu. bancdebinary is owned and operated by Banc De Binary Ltd. Which site you will lend one depends on where you are located. The details are the same including licensing information, business address and so forth. Is Banc de Binary a Scam Banc de Binary EU has recently gained recognition by the FCA while other brands have achieved regulation with CySEC. This is a step towards regulation in European subsidiaries. However, we learned from a respected Financial B2B website, that banc de binary is having problem with the US authorities . The issue between the US and Banc de Binary has since been resolved and is now in the past. Banc de Binary is now regulated and has partnered with the Liverpool Football Club. However the amounts of complaints are overwhelming and cannot be ignored. The majority of complaints are centered on loss of money and their aggressive sales tactics. This therefore makes having a direct answer to Is this a scam rather challenging. It all depends on whom you ask. Officials like FCA and CySEC seem to have no issues with Banc de Binary, as well as the Liverpool Football Club. As we stated previously, the issues with the US are now in the past. So the short answer is that Banc de Binary is not a scam 8211 it is of the most reliable brokers in the business. Did You Know The Banc de Binary website does provide a lot more information about binary options trading than most other brokers. In my opinion, having this complex educational material handy is a plus. Keeping in mind that when I say complex I am stating that this is in comparison to the majority of other mainstream brokers, not educational and informative sites such as ours Is it Worth It to Open Account with Banc de Binary My first impression of the Banc de Binary website is that it is quite organized and easy to use not too much information squeezed together on one page. Upon pursuing their platform. powered by Spot Option, I discovered it was very user-friendly with a wide variety of features for experienced traders and newbie alike. You dont have to download any software as everything can easily be accessed online. This is one of the benefits of a Spot Option powered trading system. The Banc de Binary platform features 60 Seconds trading, One Touch, a functional Option Builder and other features. Banc De Binary Trading Platform Their returns average between 70 and 91 for In the Money Options. However, I noticed that the 91 return is few and far between. However, this is good for sales and marketing the platform. The average appears to be a steady 72, which is the norm for binary options trading. Banc de Binary does offer different account types, meaning you will acquire more benefits as you deposit higher funds. The lower-end account is the Bronze account. The initial deposit is 250 EUR. The next level is the Silver account which requires a minimum deposit of 2,500 EUR and finally the Gold account in which the minimum deposit is 5,000 EUR. At one time Banc de Binary did offer a VIP account which had excellent benefits but honestly, I have noticed that most other brokers offer those same features with standard accounts with a lesser deposit. Once your deposit exceeds 100,000 you will be treated like royalty. You will be assigned a personal assistant to book your appointment, place your calls, place orders for online gifts and promotions and so forth. They will also assist you if you need access to a specific guest list or even tickets to an event that are sold out. It seems very glamorous, but honestly, if we want to keep it real, not everyone really has 100,000 to invest in binary options trading. This being said, my honest opinion is that Banc de Binary is basing their clientele on the high rollers as the benefits they offer to regular traders arent all that appealing. If you are able to invest upwards of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars trading binary options, then Banc de Binary is an excellent outlet. However, if you are the average trader, I would look for another platform which is more suited to your personal needs and finances, such as Option Robot or IQ Option. The VIP account is called the Lion Premium account, on which eligibility is a deposit of at least 10,000 Euro They do not provide the benefits on the website and quite understandably, I did not invest this sum so I cannot offer you any insights as to the level of services provided with this account. Video: Banc De Binary Interview with the Experts on Strategies Banc De Binary Complaints We are constantly on the lookout for scam or fraud alerts, and complaints regarding binary options trading platforms, brokers and auto bots by performing a simple internet search such as one you could easily do on your laptop. We did not find many complaints during our search for Banc de Binary. The best advice we can offer our readers is to use caution when selecting a binary options trading broker and only trade with trustworthy brokers from 7 Binary Options. Banc De Binary Bonus Banc de Binary has changed the structure of their bonus so that now it is completely under the discretion of the Account Executive. Bonuses are still offered as high as 100 but I was unable to locate the exact turnover guidelines anywhere on their website meaning we do not know the amount you need to trade before you are able to make a withdrawal. As you may be aware, we are of the opinion that large bonus create more issues than actual benefits. The main reason is that you are unable to receive the bonus until you reach the specified turnover amount. This of course means the higher the bonus the more the trading volume necessary to be able to make a withdrawal. A plus side to this is that traders are not required to accept the bonus. The 100 bonus is at this time only offered to those who have a Gold account or higher. Banc De Binary Withdrawal The minimum amount you are able to withdraw with Banc de Binary is 100 EURGBPUSD. It is usually processed within 5 working days by Banc de Binary but it can take longer depending on the withdrawal method of your choice until you actually see the funds in your account. Banc de Binary does not charge a fee for withdrawals, but your individual bank or other payment service may have their own set fee. You were able to process withdrawals via wire transfer, Skrill (MoneyBookers) and Debit and Credit Cards at this time. The average time for withdrawals is 7 business days. This can take additional time depending on your method which is normally 2-7 business days for bank wire, 2 to 5 business days for creditdebit and Skrill can either be instantaneously or within 24 hours. Banc De Binary Extras Banc de Binary offers a Free ZuluTrade feature which is a popular social trading platform on which you can follow professional and successful traders in reference to their Zulu Rank and profitloss margin. Screenshot Banc De Binary Features User Friendliness: Banc de Binary offers their website in 10 different languages. This Spot Option 2.0 platform is extremely user friendly except for the fact that a lot of information is sometimes clustered into one spot. Number of assets and expiry times: Banc de Binary offers a variety of trading assets including 23 indices, 8 commodities. 25 currency pairs and 97 stocks. Since our last visit, we noticed an increase in these numbers, especially in the number of stocks now offered. All of the standard expiry times apply including One Touch, 60 seconds trading and even an Option Builder which allows the trader to choose their own expiry time. As of August 2016, there is now a new asset category called Synthetic which offers 13 pairs. In this instance you would pit stock vs another stock, indices vs another indices or a commodity vs another commodity and so forth. This is commonly referred to as Pairs Trading. Commissions, Support and Effective Return: While Banc de Binary doesnt charge for deposits or withdrawals, there may be some costs that occur with bank transfers or other withdrawal methods. I found their customer support service to very polite and helpful, however, there can be improvement with their response time. According to Banc de Binary, their return rate can reach as high as 91, but as I previously mentioned, this is few and far between and I have yet to see an asset that offered this rate. The average seems to be 72 and some assets often reach as high as 82. Deposits, Payments and Bonuses: The minimum required deposit for Banc de Binary is 250 which can be made via Bank Wire, Skrill (MoneyBookers) and CreditDebit Card. The payments from Banc de Binary to the customer will be applied to the same source from which they originated (i. e. if you made your deposit via credit card, your withdrawal will be applied to the same credit card). The bonus structure has recently changed. The 100 bonus is still available but will be determined by your individual Account Executive. The required turnover amount necessary to make a withdrawal is not listed anywhere on the Banc de Binary website so we can ascertain that this is also to be determined by your Account Executive. You have the ability to accept or refuse any of the bonuses offered by Banc de Binary. Website Extras In my opinion the educational materials offered on the Banc de Binary website are a bit more complex than I have seen on other trading platforms. They do provide a link to ZuluTrade. a renowned platform for social trading. Banc de Binary SpotOption platform is now offering the ability to change time frames as well as candlestick charts. 7 Binary Options Rating: Finpari Review Finpari is controlled by two companies: Lenora Impex SA which is Seychelles registered and also Norsk Inter LP, Scotland registered. FinPari is not regulated by any governing bodies such as CySEC. Is Finpari A Scam There is no concrete evidence that Finpari is a fraudulent service. At the moment, we haven8217t heard any critical complaints of the broker, so we can only assume that Finpari is not a scam. Editor8217s Note As they are built on the SpotOption platform, it might bode well on their behalf. SpotOption is a reliable platform that does offer a lot of good features. Finpari is based in Seychelles, which means they are willing to accept traders from almost any country, which is more than is allowed as per CySEC regulations. This makes them a prime choice for international traders . Video: Binary Options Trading with Finpari Is it recommended to open an Account with Finpari It is not unusual for traders to sign with Finpari as many brokers prefer to register in countries such as Seychelles as they are banking friendly and thus can avoid the stricter standards set in place by organisations such as CySEC. This can often be a warning sign of a fraudulent broker, but we did not find anything to support that this may be the case with Finpari as they appear to be simply another broker out to attract new investors. As previously stated they are a SpotOption broker so this means that they offer a full-line of features. In addition to basic highlow trading they offer One Touch, Ladder, Spot Follow and Paris. They do not offer CFD or Forex trading. which is a feature that is in fact offered by many other SpotOption based platforms. Their expiry times are good and include 30, 60 and 120Second options. Their long-term expiry times include end of day, intra-day, tomorrow, next week, end of week, end of the month and so forth up to 6 months which is available on some of the more common assets. The Ladder Options trade similar to overunder options and offer increased payouts and strikes. One touch options include increased payouts up to 600 and are available on weekends. The standard payout on callput trades average about 80. Screenshot Finpari Features User Friendliness: The FinPari platform is extremely user friendly. I can honestly say this as SpotOption platform is my personal favourite. It has most of the features offered on standard SpotOption platforms and is very easy to navigate. However, I have to deduct a few points as a result of the false information about their regulations and over-the-top marketing on the main page of the website. Number Of Assets And Expiry: Finpari does offer a wide list of assets as well as a variety of expiry times and quite a few options for exotic trades. They do not offer range but it is not necessary with the Ladders. However, this is not outstanding reason to sign with FinPari as you can find these features elsewhere. Commissions, Support and Effective Returns: This broker does not require any commission, but they do have a withdrawal fee for wire transfers. Their support is decent but rather pushy when it comes to sales pressure, so keep this in mind. Their educational section is so-so, not a lot to offer, but the videos are pretty food. The effect return on Finpari is on par with the SpotOption standard, which is up to 600 and higher for One Touch and Ladder, 85 on callput and somewhat lover for shortterm 60seconds trading. Deposit, Payment And Bonus: The required minimum deposit is the standard with binary options brokers: 250 and can be made via debitcredit card, eWallet or wire transfer. I always recommend using eWallet whenever it is feasible. Finpari does accept Neteller. Skrill and others as well. Payments are made to the same account on which they were deposited however, there is no limit for credit cards. Bonuses are offered in the form of one-time only deposit bonuses up to 100 or risk free trading. The terms are a bit misleading. In one section it says turnover deposit is only 300 (3X), yet in another it says up to 20X. Regardless of bonus, every deposit must be turned over at least one time in order to make a withdrawal. Broker Extras: SpotOption goes above and beyond when it comes to extras as opposed to the average hum-drum trading platform. This includes Ladder options which offer a great deal of flexibility as well as increased payouts. They also offer Spot Follow, which is similar to iFollow which is essentially the copy trading platform that is offered by SpotOption and supported by ZuluTrade Technology. 7 Binary Options Rating: 24Option Review 24Option, founded in 2009, is a true binary options pioneer. 24Option is owned by Rodeler Ltd. Rodeler Ltd is a company operating under Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) license number 20713. Founded in 2009, they are operated under Rodeler LD, which is regulated under CYSEC (Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission) and their license information is license number 20713. As well they are regulated by the Rodeler BaFin in Germany as well as the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) since 04122013. Is 24Option a Scam 24Option was regulated in 2013 with CySec and therefore is not a scam operation in any way, shape or form. Under the authority of CySec, any money that is exchanged with this platform is secure. The fact that they are a regulated system is the primary reason that 24Option was added to the official list of non-scam brokers. However, this does not necessarily that they do not have some issues. Even regulated brokers can have their cons. Fortunately, these regularity reasons are not the only factor that contributed to 24Option making our list of non-scam systems. They are well-renowned for their user friendly interface and the trading system itself, as well as the overall platform navigation is outstanding. It is very easy to trade with this system and the live charts provided by 24Option are easily accessed simply by clicking on the asset itself. For those who wish to further examine any asset, they simply have to click on the asset tab to open a small pop up with information from sources such as Yahoo There is no need to leave the site to do research. These factors, as well as many others, are one of the reasons that 24Option is one of the best binary options brokers around. They have made great strides toward improvement since they originated such as redesigning the platform itself, increasing the number of assets and keeping up to date with the latest technology and data. They seem to make it their priority to strive to be the best of the best when it comes to binary options trading. Editors Note: Why We Recommend 24Option While some binary options brokers turn out to be scams, there are many that are legit, but in fact, 24Option is one of the few brokers that are held in high esteem. I can dismiss any suspicion of fraud thanks to their CySec licensing. Their superior customer service and professional and attractive trading platform makes them a popular and respected broker in the world of binary options trading. The only small drawback of 24Option is that they no longer serve residents of the US due to EU regulations. This is good news for EU clients, but a bitter disappointment for those who reside in the US. Also, since the company has registered with CySec, their average return has decreased by 2. However, the licensing itself is a major plus. Despite this, they still have returns as high as 88 so this still bodes well for traders. Do I recommend opening an Account with 24Option Since their origin 24Option has strived to greatly improve their already innovative, fully-online based platform. They consistently provide traders with the necessary and easiest tools to assist them with their trading. They also have an outstanding user-interface, as well as other great features. Note that we have stated earlier in this review that their user-interface. site navigation and overall trading experience are superlative. The main premise behind 24Options trading platform that makes them stand out from other trading platforms is that their assets are arranged from shortest expiry time to the longest (ie: 60 seconds to end of day, except in a few cases). IE: When you highlight the HighLow tab, you will notice the assets are listed according to their expiry times. The shortest are listed first and the latter tend to expire at the end of the trading day. Of course, traders have the ability to click the same tab and select the stocks or indices tab with the desire to only view specific assets. In each category, there are over 100 available assets and again they are arranged from the shortest to longest expiry times . Overall, in my opinion these platforms are much easier to use than the others. Once you are familiar with the TechFinancials platform you will discover that it a preferable solution for the majority of investors i. e. those who perform trades around the clock within just seconds. In my opinion, the aforementioned investors are the high risk type as opposed to the more conservative traders. Both of these, however, will be well-pleased with the In-the-Money-Return feature, as there lies the possibility of 88 in-the-money as well as closing a trade prior to the expiry time to secure a winning profit. 88 appears to be the average return for successful trades for assets such as forex pairs and 70 for exotic and minor pairs. Remember, that there is the possibility that a trader can lose their entire investment, as with any financial trading. However, these high return rates are what make 24Option one of the leading brokers in the world of binary options. The downside of this is that the minimum investment is rather high the average is 24 for the majority of trading assets. However, unlike other brokers, the minimum investment varies according to the individual assets. This could be a bit discouraging to novice traders. Fortunately, 24Option does provide a demo account so new traders can practice trading with virtual money before investing live. Another negative for newbies is that their minimum deposit is slightly high at 250. I tend to prefer those brokers with lower deposit fees, but with 24Option I feel the slightly higher investment is worth it as they are regulated and licensed so therefore they can be trusted. 24Option has recently partnered with the Juventus Football Club which only adds to their high credibility. They were already a top-notch, highly respectable brokerage, but this partnership is purely an added bonus. So if you8217re a fan of both soccer and binary options trading, this is the platform for you. Also, for those who like tennis, 24Option and Boris Becker are currently offering a competition in which you have the chance to win 100 grand in USD. You should take advantage of this offer now, as it will not be around forever. Keep in mind, as always, that investors do risk the chance of losing their all of their money Their outstanding customer service makes 24Option a welcome home for the binary options trader, in addition to the fact that they are licensed with CySEC, an advantage unto itself. 24Option offers traders the opportunity to invest as much as 100 grand USD in a single trade so this proves that they have no issue in paying high returns to their clients. To spice things up, they also over prize money, up to 100,000 for weekly top traders 24Option Broker Complaints Let 7 Binary Options do the research so you dont have to I constantly search the internet for broker complaints to bring the results directly to our loyal readers. As unbelievable as it may seem, we could not find even one substantial complaint about this broker in our search. I did notice an active online discussion concerning 24option in forums, comments sections and Complaint and Review Center. Our team is monitoring and checking these. I personally feel that the negative feedbacks concerning the withdrawal process were not legitimate complaints. These complaints are typical from disgruntled traders and do not always reflect the truth. The sincere complaints were in fact resolved by the company itself so I can honestly say that there are no major complaints concerning 24Option. 24Option Bonus Lets be real here, we all enjoy a good bonus I can honestly say that I like the bonus system offered by 24Option. Case in point: for a 5,000 deposit you can receive up to a 70 bonus (3,500) but you have to reach a 50 times higher trading volume than the bonus itself (as opposed to 50 times bonus plus the deposit amount as is common with many other brokers) This means you will earn your bonus once you reach 175,000 in trading volume. Earned bonuses, however are able to be used fully in both trading and as a withdrawal. Video: 24Option Ad 24Option Withdrawal Most sites will give you advice on how to deposit. However, at 7binaryoptions, we are not concerned with this issue. Our main focus is that major concern in binary options: the withdrawal process itself. As a rule, for obvious reasons, few brokers cause an issue with deposits, however quite a few brokers have issues when it comes to withdrawing your funds. A plus with 24Option is that there is no limit to the withdrawal amount, as we often see with other platforms. The average time before you see your funds is three to seven business days. Skrill will have lower fees and also will make the process quicker. Those with VIP accounts do not have to pay a withdrawal fee, which is outstanding. However, you must remember to send proper documentation as specified under regulation before you can request a withdrawal. 24Option Extras A lot of traders look for the extras before they sign with a broker. But here at 7binaryoptions, we try to think outside the box. This section will highlight those features that are unique with 24Option and what sets them apart from other brokers. The Extras that we found appealing with 24Option are as follows: Free webinars: learn to trade with the aid of a professional Educational videos including 5-hour videos which are extremely beneficial to those new to trading Highest Withdrawal Limits: This is a plus of which most traders are not aware. 24Options offers the highest limits available. Screenshot 24Option Features User Friendliness: As a completely based web-tech platform, there is no need to download any software with 24Option. They have the best looking website we have seen thus far as the gold letters on the black background is both sophisticated and contemporary. Just above each asset, is live information and other chats with just a simple click. Both the Glossary and FAQ sections are current and complete. The website is available in 18 languages including German, Arabic, Spanish, et al. No. of Assets and Expiry time: 24option offers a total of 103 assets including 30 currenciesforex, 11 commodities, 19 indices and 43 stocks. The variety of assets is wide and the expiry times are outstanding as they allow the traders to choose from as little as 60 seconds to as much as end of the dayweekmonth. Commissions, Support and Effective return: There is no charge for investors for their initial deposit or purchase options. The first withdrawal is free as well. There is a 30 charge for wire transfers for withdrawals. Those with a Gold account get one free withdrawal a month. However, all withdrawals are free for those with Platinum accounts. Customer support is available with a total of 21 international phone numbers including French, Spanish, Italian, English and more. They can also be reached via email. The Live Chat feature on 24Option was extremely polite and quick to respond. Their effective return rate is amongst the highest in the binary options trading market with an 82 return on most of the major currencies and 70-88 in the money. As always, we need to remind our readers that there is always a risk that you can lose all of your capital as a result of trading binary options as with any other type of financial investing. They do not offer an Out-of-Money refund but they offer the ability to close your position 2 minutes after purchase or up to 5 minutes before the expiry time. Deposit, Payment and Bonus: The minimum deposit with 24Option is average: 250 250 250 50,000 or 10,000. Deposits can be made with Cash-U, Skrill, creditdebit card, wire transfer, et al. Generally, withdrawals can be made via the same process. There is a minimum of 200 for wire withdrawals. However there is no minimum withdrawal via Skrill. There are usually up to 100 bonus offers with 24Options and they do occasionally offer amazing promotions and specials for both new and registered clients. Website Extras: As one of the most innovative trading platforms, 24Option offers a good number of additional and unique features. The strength of their signals varies and provides information as to the most likely direction of the asset. However, the expiry time is determined by the trader. With the exception of Highlow trades, they offer two additional means of trading: including One-Touch option, which lets the trader decide if the asset will hit a certain value before the expiry time, which is most often available on weekends. Secondly, they offer a Boundary Option with 75 return rate via winning trade. 7 Binary Options Rating: Option Financial Markets (OFM) 8211 OptionFM Review UPDATE (12.01.2017): We have found out that Option. FM is closed. We recommend choosing one of our top binary option brokers instead: Try also Binary Option Robot if you are looking for automated binary trading. Old Review: OptionFM, or OFM, is one of the recent newcomers to embark on binary options brokerage platforms, as it was founded just two years ago, in 2014. However, despite being a newbie in a sea of established brokers, they have managed to recruit some of the most talented financial experts from around the globe. This means that they have a plethora of financial experience under their belt. Due to this, they have quickly become one of the most trusted and respected brokers worldwide. In their mission statement, Option Financial Market promises to guide their clients to successful binary options trading by helping them to reach their full trading potential. They can do so thanks to a vast offering of various types of trading accounts that cater to a wide variety of investors, an exceptional and innovative trading platform, excellent and informative educational tools and resources and a wide array of assets. In addition, they maintain close ties with their traders and analysts. OptionFM also supports automated trading. Option. FM Account Features OptionFM has recently revamped and upgraded their website which now features a more distinguished trading system and super sleek design as well as the confidence that their traders are able to invest on a safe and secure trading environment . One of the main advantages in trading with OFM is that they regularly offer bonuses for their clients based on their account level. These bonuses are a plus as they enable traders to be able to get a head-start in their trading experience. IE: a 250 starting balance with automatically transition to a 500 account with the 100 welcome bonus. Traders are empowered by these bonuses to participate fully in OFMs list of 200 plus tradable assets in order to earn a more substantial profit. Per a conversation with OptionFMs customer service via live chat. the turnover is calculated per the type of bonus. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of said bonus before accepting. Both new and experienced traders alike are able to find their place in the seven different account types offered by Option Financial Markets. As an added feature, OFM does not charge any commissions or fees for trades, for any account level. This broker easily caters to the various trading preferences and needs of their clients with their wide selection of account options. Option. FM Account Types 8211 Click Image to View Larger The following are the different account types offered by Option. FM: 8211 Starting at 250 8211 Geared specifically for those new to binary options trading 8211 200 trading assets available 8211 Starting at 2,500 8211 Choice of Trading packages 8211 Class A amp B trading available 8211 Trading manual for use 8211 1 Free Educational Session 8211 Starting at 5,000 8211 Access to Tiers 1 amp 2 OFM Rewards 8211 Class A amp B trading available 8211 Trading manual for use 8211 Wide selection of Trading Packages 8211 2 Free Educational Sessions 8211 Limited protected capital 8211 Starting at 10,000 8211 Access to Tiers 1, 2 amp 3 OFM Reward 8211 Class A amp B Trading Available 8211 Trading manual for use 8211 Extensive Selection of Trading Packages 8211 3 Free Educational Sessions 8211 Unlimited protected capital 8211 Starting at 25,000 8211 Access to Tiers 1,2, 3 amp 4 OFM Rewards 8211 Class A amp B Trading Available 8211 Trading manual f or Use 8211 4 Free Educational Sessions 8211 Exceptional Selection of Trading Packages 8211 Unlimited Protected Capital 8211 Enhanced return on all investments 8211 OFM Financier 8211 Starting at 40,000 8211 Access to Tiers 1,2, 3, 4 amp 5 OFM Rewards 8211 Class A amp B Trading Available 8211 Outstanding selection of Trading Packages 8211 Trading Manual for Use 8211 4 Free Educational Sessions 8211 Unlimited protected capital 8211 Enhanced return on all investments 8211 Suited Trading Portfolio 8211 Starting at 100,000 8211 Access to Tiers 1,2,3,4,amp5 OFM Rewards 8211 Class A amp B Trading Available 8211 Highest Selection of Trading Packages 8211 Trading Manual for Use 8211 Unlimited free educational sessions 8211 Unlimited Protected Capital 8211 Enhanced Returns on all investments 8211 Suited Trading Portfolio 8211 Access to Exclusive Vacation Packages Option. FM Trading Software One of the first things that traders will notice after opening an account with Option Financial Markets is that they offer a uniquely diverse selection of well over 200 global assets. Combined with the three trading methods offered on their SpotOption powered platform, traders can easily make informed and profitable trades on both short term and long term positions. OFM does not charge any fees or commission on these individual trades. When utilising the classic Binary Options trading mode with which the majority of traders are most familiar, it is entirely possible to earn substantially large profits within a short period of time. Traders need only to decide with which asset they wish to trade, their desired expiry time, the direction in which they think they trade will go, and the amount of their investment. This straightforward method of trading is extremely popular as it very easy to maneuver. The Long Term Trading Mode is ideal for those who envision long-term trading with a certain market area. OFM offers excellent expiry times in this mode that can go as long as nine months from the time one has selected the Call or Put. The fact that OFM offers both short term and long term trading gives traders ample opportunity to maximise their trading potential and enhance their trading portfolios. For those who yearn for a bit more excitement, OFMs 60 Second Trading Mode will get their adrenaline racing. It is similar to the both of the aforementioned modes in that a trader is able to choose the direction of an asset prior to the expiry. However, the previous modes often require traders to wait hours, days or even months before revealing the result of their trade, the 60 Second Mode offers traders expiry times of 30 or 60 seconds as well as other expiry times. This enables the trader to almost immediately receive confirmation as to whether their trades are in or out of the money. It is rare to find a broker that offers returns quicker than this. Option. FM Support Information As their stamina as a broker has grown, so has their reputation for enabling success for their clients through superior personal customer support that specially caters to each client8217s special needs and desires. Account managers are always a phone call or live chat conversation away. Clients with OFM are guaranteed an overall smooth and reliable trading experience. During the Option Financial Markets Review, FBO made use of the live chat options and received a response to our question within seconds. Every account package that is offered by Option Financial Markets (OFM) has access to brokerage assistance as well as customer support which is great as this is considered a dual-method of trading support. This allows both traders and visitors alike to directly report any issues to OFM management. In addition to the email support and live chat that are available around the clock, OFM also lists multiple customer service telephone numbers local to several countries on a global basis including Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, South American and New Zealand. Screenshot Option. FM Banking and Company Information As banking is perhaps the most crucial factor as it is the most used feature in binary options trading, it is imperative that there is a decent selection of deposit and withdrawal options available for clients. For deposits, Option Financial Markets offers a variety of choices including credit cards, multiple eWallets and bank wire. Funds are readily available in the trader8217s account balance most often within minutes of the deposit, which allows them access immediate trading. Personal information is guaranteed utmost security thanks to communication via SSL technology. Users are always able to contact OFM support at any time if they need assistance with their financial dealings. As well, the withdrawal process with this platform is both fast and secure. Clients have the ability to request to withdraw their funds at any time. The withdrawal request is then process by OFMs Compliance Department and may take up to 5 business days to process. There is an additional 2 to 3 days for those funds that are to be tendered to the bank account or credit card that applies for this process. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 100. OFM must verify every account to ensure that all funds and accounts are properly protected due to Anti Money Laundering laws. Luckily, this is a simple process and all that is required of the traders is that they submit scanned copies of the proper identification documents via email to the Compliance Department. Overall, this has been an extremely impressive review of Option Financial Markets (OFM) with the overwhelming consensus that they offer an exceptional profitable platform and an extremely secure trading environment. 7 Binary Options Rating: AnyOption Review If you are looking for another example of a powerful and trustworthy binary options trading platform. AnyOption is a good choice. It was founded in 2008 in Cyprus and is a subsidiary company of AnyOption Payment Services Limited. It is a popular binary options broker that has a wide client base using its proprietary trading platform. It is easy to use and offers a number of tools and features that help you get the most from binary options trading. Binary Options Trading at AnyOption You have a number of options when placing trades at AnyOption. Which one you should choose depends on your attitude to risk, your trading strategy, and the signal that is generated on a particular asset type. The options include simple high or low trades i. e. will the price of the asset be higher or lower than now within a predefined period of time. Other options include one-touch binary options, early closure binary options, and boundary binary options. Screenshot Registering an account with AnyOption is completely free, and traders from all over the world are welcome, including from the US and Europe. You can8217t start trading. however, until you deposit money into your account. A number of deposit options are available, including credit card, debit card, bank transfer, Skrill, and more. The minimum deposit is 200. Withdrawing money is a simple process that you can trigger at any time. You can also withdraw any amount you wish, as there is no minimum. The first withdrawal you make every month is free. If you want to make further withdrawals within the same calendar month there is a small fee. In the UK that fee is 20 while in the US it is 30. Available Assets at AnyOption AnyOption offers a wide range of assets that you can trade on. This includes: Currency pairs 8211 this includes all the major currencies in the world grouped into comprehensive pairings. The Bitcoin currency is even included, making AnyOption quite unique. Stocks 8211 a wide range of stocks are offered with major companies in the US, Europe, and Asia. They also come from a wide range of industries. Indices 8211 all the major indices are represented but you will also find smaller and more niche industries that often make interesting additions to trading strategies. Commodities 8211 this includes oil as well as all major metals. Four main binary options are available: You will not find all the worlds assets at AnyOption, but no binary options broker offers everything. For example, most traders have no interest in emerging market currencies, so AnyOption doesn8217t offer them. What you do get, however, is a diverse and large range of assets and binary options to choose from. Mobile Compatibility More and more binary options traders want the flexibility of being able to place and monitor trades using their mobile phone. You can do this with AnyOption. It works on both iPhone and Android devices, offering real-time information providing your phone has an internet connection. You can check prices, monitor your current trades, look at your trading history, and manage your account. This is just one of the reasons that AnyOption is so popular with binary options traders. 7 Binary Options Rating: Option Robot In a Nutshell A broker will not make you money in binary options trading making money requires a good strategy. That said, having the right auto trading robot makes it exponentially easier to develop and implement your strategy, so binary option robots do have a significant part to play. This is why it is so important to spend time researching binary options robots to make sure you get one that has all the features and tools you need to take your trading to the next level. This applies not only to those just starting out with binary options trading, but also to traders with a lot of experience who want to get involved in more complex and detailed strategies. Crucial among the features and tools you need are a high win rate and accurate signals. With Option Robot you get both, plus a whole lot more. As far as binary options robots go, Option Robot is fairly new. You may not have noticed this, as the company has built up a large customer base for such a new operation. They have achieved this early success with their platform because of the level of service they offer. In addition, they have made the platform easy to use and have developed tools that help complete trading novices get a start with binary options. Our review will go into these features and more so you can see what you can expect from Option Robot. Signals are a crucial part of successful binary options trading . You can create your own by analyzing charts and market data, but often there is too much going on for you to catch everything. Also, it may not be possible if you have other commitments. Option Robot has this covered, as it creates signals which you can use to place manual trades. or that you can set to trade automatically. You simply define the parameters, and Option Robot does the rest. The biggest issue with signals in general, however, is accuracy. After all, there is no point getting a signal if it turns out to be wrong and you lose money on the trade. You would have been better off without it. Option Robot8217s signals, however, have a good win rate. In fact, sometimes it is as high as 83 percent. As a result, you can trade with confidence even if you don8217t have much binary options, investment, or trading experience. Available Trading Systems Trading systems are the foundation of any automated binary options trading strategy. They are the core principles that the robot uses to decide how much to stake on each trade. There are many trading systems available, and some traders develop their own. There are three main types, however, and Option Robot supports them all. Fibonacci system 8211 the Fibonacci system is an advanced trading system that is actually more straightforward to implement than most. It also delivers high levels of accuracy. It uses the famous Fibonacci sequence of numbers to calculate the up and down trends of an asset. From this, the resistance level (price above which the asset is unlikely to go) and support level (price lower than which the asset is unlikely to go) are worked out. This makes it possible to predict which direction an asset8217s price is likely to move next. Martingale system 8211 this is another common system used by both advanced and new traders alike. In the Martingale system. you set an amount that you would like to trade. If that trade loses, the amount invested on the next trade is doubled. This continues until you get a win, at which point the amount you invest on each trade goes back to the original level. Like all systems, it has its risks, particularly if you have a string of losses. The potential rewards, however, are high. Classic system 8211 if you have a low tolerance for risk, this is the strategy for you. You may make less money, but you should have lower losses over time as well, which often makes it easier to make a profit. The strategy is quite simple 8211 the value of each trade stays exactly the same whether you have lost the previous trade or not. Option Robot8217s Indicators Indicators are a great way to reduce your level of risk when you automate trading activities. Option Robot gives you a number of indicators to choose from. They include stock, trend, MACD, Williams, RSI, and CCI. Basically, these indicators tell the robot whether to make a trade and in which direction. Where indicators become really powerful, however, is when you run two or more together. For the robot to place a trade. both indicators must have generated a signal and the signal has to be in the same direction for both. If this doesn8217t happen the trade is not placed. It is, therefore, a good way of automatically identifying false positives and signals that don8217t have a great chance for success. Contact and Customer Support You have a number of options when it comes to finding out information, asking questions, and getting help with Option Robot. The first is to read their blog. It is updated regularly and contains useful information on everything from the features of the platform to winning trading strategies. If you need something more specific, however, the first place you should check is the FAQ section. You might find that other people have had similar questions, and they are answered comprehensively here. You will have to contact Option Robot8217s customer support department if the FAQ section doesn8217t provide the information you need. Unfortunately, there is only one way of contacting them 8211 by email. The address is contactoptionrobot. Our experience is that they can sometimes be on the slow side to respond, but they always do respond and the information is helpful. As the platform continues to mature we expect additional contact and customer service options might be added. Screenshot Getting Started with Option Robot You can get up and running with Option Robot in less than five minutes . The process starts by registering an account 8211 you can do that by clicking here. You will have to enter some personal details as part of this process, but there are only a handful of fields to fill in and there is nothing unusual or complicated. Once you are registered, the next stage is to deposit some money so you can start trading. There are a number of methods you can use to do this, including using your credit card or transferring money from your bank. You can now set up your automated robot to start placing trades. You can access the settings for the robot by clicking on Auto Trade on your Option Robot dashboard. Here you will select the types of assets that you want to be included in your strategy. You also have to decide on an investment amount per trade, and set expiry times. That all takes just a few minutes, and from that point onwards the automated robot takes over. One other thing you have to do is select a broker. You can do this manually by trying a broker out to see if they meet your needs, but most people go for the options offered by Option Robot. Those options include many well-known names that are regulated and have professional reputations. Examples include Banc de Binary and GOptions. We believe Option Robot is doing a lot of things right so they will continue to increase the number of traders using the platform. One of the reasons for this is the fact that Option Robot is run by people with experience in the binary options and forex industries as traders. As they are traders rather than coders or marketers, they understand what other traders need and they have delivered this with Option Robot. It is a particularly powerful platform for novice binary options traders. First of all it is free, so new traders with no experience do not have to make any investment. The registration and setup process is easier than most other platforms, and there are a lot of tools that let you set up a winning strategy even if you have minimal experience. In addition, experienced traders benefit from the range of advanced tools and the trading systems that Option Robot offers. In conclusion, Option Robot is a binary options trading platform that we would recommend. 7 Binary Options Rating: AutomatedBinary Short Review Today we are taking a look at a fairly new piece of software in what is becoming a crowded market. The question is, is Automatedbinary the real deal Will it help traders beat the market by providing reliable, automated results you can confidently stake your capital on Or is there something of the dark about it Because if youre happy to put someone elses software in charge of your trades, letting it buy and sell in your name and with your money while youre otherwise engaged without first learning everything you can about the way it goes about its business, we just might have a bridge wed like to sell you. It isnt, of course, quite as risky as we just suggested because though its true that the software is making trades for you without your involvement (youre not asked to press the ENTER key to say, Yes, okay, go for it.) its you that sets the parameters on when the software decides to buy, sell, or do nothing. It may not seem that way at first glance, but its you that controls it and you that decides on the trading strategy. To put it differently, if you make money in staggering amounts, its you who can take the credit. And if you lose, youll know who to blame. What It Is The central facts about Automatedbinary are right in the name: 1. Its automated. The software collects market data in real time, analyzes it, generates signals, and executes trades on behalf of the trader you. 2. Its binary. Its for use by people who trade in binary options and work with more than one licensed broker. The purpose of a signal is to alert the trader when trading options become available. Automatedbinary allows you to choose between a very wide variety of signals, so you can use whatever you feel comfortable with and understand. Automatedbinary is cloud-based, so youre not going to be downloading anything to your own computer. A feature we like is that your connection has to be switched on. If you have no live connection, it wont place any trades for you, which makes it easier for traders to be in control of trades, which matters with this software because Youre in Charge It doesnt matter how central or how peripheral to the system a parameter may be, its the trader who sets it. You choose: Which assets youre going to trade (though no binary options trader should ever forget that there is no underlying asset to her or his bet something regulatory bodies would have as a caveat on every trade) The permitted number of simultaneous trades How much to bet on each trade and Which indicators to use. That may possibly be the highest level of control given by any binary options system. Automatedbinary is binary options trading for adults. Screenshot Getting Started Go to the website, click. and type in the personal details youre asked for. Dont try to avoid this in order to trade anonymously the system doesnt permit that. Choose a broker several are offered to you and open your account with that broker. Make a deposit. Now you can start trading However, we suggest you dont until youve gotten to know and feel comfortable with the system, which you will do by Putting it to The Test Lets be clear, here: binary options trading is gambling informed gambling, but gambling youre betting that you know which way a particular index or price is going to move and youd better be right more often that youre not because the percentage of your stake that you win when you get it right is always less than the 100 of your stake that you lose when youre wrong. So, selecting the signals youre going to tell the software to follow is a vital part of setup, and we recommend you use the demo option. trying out a variety of signals and limits without risking your own money, until youre completely at home with the system. You do this by using the 50,000 the system gives you for this purpose. It isnt a real 50,000, of course. Its virtual money and you risk it in virtual trades, learning how the software works and how to use it and then making trades until (or this is the hope) you feel sufficiently secure to start trading for real. Once that happens, youll be covering your own losses, but youll also be able to draw out your profits, which, of course, isnt possible with any virtual money you win by getting the trades right. We recommend that anyone, including seasoned traders, go through some virtual trades before starting to use Automatedbinary live, because every system has idiosyncrasies that you dont know about till you fall over them. We also recommend that anyone who loses the whole of the virtual 50,000 should forget about binary options trading. This software is so good when compared with a number of offerings that if you cant make it work, you probably shouldnt be trading. How Automatedbinary Generates Signals These are the market indicators that Automatedbinary uses to generate signals: Stochastic Oscillator MACD RSI (Relative Strength Index) Trend Indicator Williams Indicator CCI A software review is not the place to explain how these market indicators work. We assume that if youre thinking of using an automated trading program of this sort, you understand them and that, if you dont, youll carry out your own research before starting to use them to initiate trades. You can use indicators separately and in a vacuum, or you can combine two or more of them. Automatedbinary will understand what you are trying to achieve and will produce trading signals accordingly. We recommend that approach because no indicator is entirely satisfactory on its own. The most dependable and profitable trading will come from combining most of the indicators or all of them. How Automatedbinary Conducts Trades Automatedbinary conducts trades the way you, the trader, tell it to as long as you tell it to use one of these three methods: The Classic method The Martingale, or Compound, method The Fibonacci method Its your choice, but it isnt a once-for-all election you can change it whenever you like. The Classic method will be preferred by most neophytes since it minimizes risk. It also minimizes profits though, so experienced traders may want to move on to the Martingale . The reason it is also known as the Compound method is that it doubles up after each loss until theres a win. You can make the most money that way, but the price you pay for that prospect is that you can also lose most, especially if you run out of money before the losing trend has turned around something every binary options trader should be aware of. Finally, theres the Fibonacci method for those who believe that patterns are reiterative and that what a market did in the past, that market will do again. Our Verdict No one involved with binary options trading can be unaware of the number of scams around. Is Automatedbinary one We dont believe it is. Part of our confidence in the software comes from the well-regarded and prestigious brokers who have signed up to provide services to Automatedbinary users. We dont believe they would have done so unless they had investigated the company and found it to be reputable. Wed feel even happier if the website had a physical address and the names of the people involved. These are important indicators of a websites bona fides, and theyre not present. That being said, and subject always to the proviso that binary options trading is risky and you can lose everything you have (and a lot that you dont have), we regard the system as offering some excellent trading options for those who understand what trading is about. While there may be no addresses and executives names, there is also a welcome lack of those ridiculous claims of the huge sums to be won while ignoring the equally huge sums to be lost or that show the faces of people you dont for one moment believe it says were penniless and are now driving Lamborghinis in Monte Carlo. Our overall conclusion is that its probably an above average bet for binary options traders. 7 Binary Options Rating: Binary Options Robot Short Review The binary options broker that you choose is critical to the success of your trading efforts. That broker determines whether you use a platform that is simple and intuitive, or one that is complicated and challenging. They also have a financial responsibility as they hold your money and process your deposits and withdrawals. In addition, good brokers provide signals that you can then use to place profitable trades. When you take all these things into account, one of the best brokers available on the market today is Binary Options Robot. Screenshot Here are eight reasons why you should choose Binary Options Robot: 1. Profit potential 8211 like almost every other trader in the world, your involvement in binary options trading is to make money. That means you need a robot that is good at delivering high rates of return. If they can do that while keeping your investment levels low, all the better. Binary Options Robot meets these criteria as it has rates of return that are as high as 83 percent. In fact, that is one of the best rates of return in the industry and you will be hard pressed to find a broker that offers more. 2. Platform functionality 8211 Binary Options Robot offers a trading platform that is attractive, uncluttered, and easy to use. In fact, even novices will find it easy to get started. All the information and tools that you need to make money in binary options trading are available. In addition, you will get signals that are among the best in the industry. The signals are created by complex algorithms that work alongside professional traders. This combination of mathematical computational power and human experience is what gives Binary Options Robot a win rate of over 80 percent. So you can expect that up to eight out of 10 trades you make will generate a profit 8211 that is the foundation of a successful strategy. 3. Available assets 8211 the more assets that a binary options broker offers, the more opportunities you will have to make money. This particularly applies if all or part of the signal generating and trading process is automated. After all, an asset could generate an accurate signal but you will never know about it and you won8217t be able to place a trade on it if your trading platform doesn8217t offer it. This is why Binary Options Robot offers as many assets as possible to its traders. You will be able to find assets you are familiar with and prefer to trade on, plus there are others that you can use to expand your trading strategy. 4. Web-based 8211 you don8217t have to download anything in order to use Binary Options Robot. This is because it is a web-based system that you access from your web browser. This offers a number of benefits. Firstly, nobody likes installing more software on their computer than absolutely necessary. Secondly, managing installed software is a headache, particularly when you have to update it. Neither of these things is an issue with web-based software. Every time you access Binary Options Robot, therefore, you can be sure you are using the latest and most secure version of the platform. 5. Support 8211 Binary Options Robot is used by traders all over the world, so customer support is available round the clock. The customer service team is knowledgeable, friendly, and approachable, plus they work hard to resolve every query as quickly and efficiently as possible. They are also responsive, so you won8217t have to wait long to hear back from them. You can normally contact the team via a method of communication of your choice, including live chat, email, and phone. 6. Bonuses 8211 some binary options brokers offer the world when it comes to bonuses, but they unfortunately rarely deliver. This is not the case with Binary Options Robot. The company offers generous bonuses and, in our experience, it always delivers on its promises. Of course, there are terms and conditions attached to any bonus 8211 you would not expect anything else from a professional trading platform. However, the bonuses are real and substantial. They include a welcome bonus as well as ongoing bonuses that will help keep your balance healthy so you can continue to trade. 7. Works on any device 8211 the internet has moved away from desktop-only services, and the binary options trading industry is no different. This is driven by consumer choice 8211 consumers want to use their mobile phones as well as their tablets, desktops, and laptops. Any modern and forward-thinking binary options trading platform has to cater to all these users. Binary Options Robot does this better than most, as all its features and tools work just as well on mobile as they do on a computer. All you need to make it work is internet access. 8. Tools 8211 Binary Options Robot offers you a number of tools that will help you make maximum profits and get better as a trader. This includes training materials, how-to guides, and other educational tools for binary options trading. Examples include video tutorials, trading charts, eBooks, manuals, and webinars. You also get a number of tools that you can use while actively trading and researching assets. This includes detailed asset information, price data, and easy-to-read charts. These eight points only skim the surface of the potential and power of Binary Options Robot. It is an honest platform, and it is set up to make it as easy as possible to create and implement a successful binary options trading strategy. It is a one stop shop, and it is not surprising that so many people select it as their trading platform of choice. 7 Binary Options Rating: References and Further Reading: Reuters 8211 Financial News (Reuters) - Citigroup Inc cut Chief Executive Michael Corbat039s compensation by 6 percent to 15.5 million in 2016, a year in which the bank fell short of profitability and efficiency goals and saw one-third of voting shareholders disapprove of the company039s prior executive compensation. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Grup SoftBank Jepang Corp siap untuk menyerahkan kontrol Sprint Corp kepada Deutsche Telekom AG039 T-Mobile US Inc untuk meraih penggabungan dua operator nirkabel A. S., menurut orang-orang yang mengetahui masalah ini. Brad Gray, chairman dan chief executive officer studio film Paramount Pictures Viacom Inc0 diharapkan akan pergi dengan pengumuman yang akan datang pada awal minggu depan, menurut dua sumber yang mengetahui situasinya. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bank of America Corp mengangkat Chief Executive Officer dan Chairman Brian Moynihan039s kompensasi sebesar 25 persen pada 2016 setelah bank terbesar kedua di AS memperoleh keuntungan sebesar 13 persen. Dow Jones Industrial Average hampir mencapai rekor tertinggi ketujuh pada hari Jumat dan SampP 500 dan Nasdaq juga ditutup pada sebuah rekor karena kenaikan di Kraft Heinz membantu mengimbangi penjualan saham energi. LONDON (Reuters) - Perusahaan makanan A. S. Kraft Heinz Co membuat kejutan 143 miliar tawaran untuk Unilever dalam upaya membangun raksasa barang-barang konsumen global, meskipun ditolak dengan tegas pada hari Jumat oleh pembuat teh Lipton dan sabun Dove. Presiden Donald Trump berjanji untuk meningkatkan produksi AS dan menghukum perusahaan untuk memindahkan pekerjaan ke luar negeri selama kunjungan pada hari Jumat ke pabrik Boeing Co Carolina Selatan untuk merayakan peluncuran jet Dreamliner terbarunya. DETROIT (Reuters) - General Motors Co berencana untuk menggelar ribuan mobil listrik self-driving di armada uji dalam kemitraan dengan afiliasi ride-sharing Lyft Inc, dimulai pada 2018, dua sumber yang mengetahui rencana pembuat mobil mengatakan minggu ini. (Reuters) - Penawaran umum perdana Snap Inc, pemilik aplikasi pesan populer Snapchat, diperkirakan akan membukukan harga 1 Maret setelah pasar ditutup, Fidelity Investments mengatakan kepada klien broker pada hari Jumat. SEOUL (Reuters) - Chief Samsung Group Jay Y. Lee ditangkap pada hari Jumat karena dugaan perannya dalam skandal korupsi yang mengguncang tingkat tertinggi kekuasaan di Korea Selatan, yang merupakan pukulan baru bagi raksasa teknologi dan pembawa standar untuk negara bagian keempat Asia - Ekonomi terbesar.
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